The time has come for the American public and member of Congress to stand united in opposition. The country cannot afford the ongoing losses in terms of money, lives, international repute, and failure to care for our own at home. With the holiday season in full bloom we should all make a part of our celebration the writing of a letter or the making of a telephone call to register our protest with our Congressional representatives. So long as we, the public, remain quiet nothing will change. Our voices must be heard loud and clear lest we lose all our country has come to stand for in the last 200 years.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Time to Protest the War Expenses
Iraq Costs Rising For a Failing Course
Recent news reports suggest the Pentagon is coming to Congress once again. This time the request will be for an additional $100 billion to continue the occupation of Iraq. The current bill is approximately $800 million per day. At the same time we are spending enormous sums to continue the war effort all indications show a failing course for our investment. Attacks against Americans are at an all time high. Americans are dying at a rate of about 3 per day so far in December. At the same time we have thousands of people in this country without adequate food or housing or both. We have hundreds of thousands without adequate medical care for lack of insurance. We have elderly people struggling to pay for necessary medication thanks to a donut hole in the pharmacy bill.
Given the costs of the war we can no longer afford to continue this course. We as a country need to redirect our resources toward saving our country and end this occupation and ongoing destruction of Iraq. The cost of this occupation will be borne by many future generations lest we reverse course and reverse soon. The new Congress will be seated in January. We every one must let our elected officials know we oppose any additional funds for Iraq beyond what is necessary to bring our troops home. We are squandering resources on a failing cause in Iraq that could be much better invested at home.
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Free Rosemary Jackowski NOW!!!
This issue is one that may affect any one of us at any given time. We, the American people, as a whole need to take a stand not only in support of Ms. Jackowski as a person but a stand against any future legal action of this sort. Write your local district attorney, your local politicians, your governor, and your Congressional representatives. Tell them of the miscarriage of justice being perpetrated in Vermont and ask them not only to intervene in this case but to work to prevent any such occurrence in their jursidiction. If we fail to stand up and speak out when we see injustice done we stand to lose more of our rights in the future.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Too Much Spent in Iraq Already
The $450 billion spent so far in military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan is not the end just yet. The administration is preparing another supplemental request that is rumored to be as much as $160-170 billion. At the same time increasing amounts of money are being spent, increasing number of Americans are dying in the cause. We as a country can no longer afford either of these expenses.
Congress controls the purse strings. The President has control of military forces. The time has come for the Congress to allocate funds for bringing our troops home. No more money should be allotted to the ongoing occupation of Iraq. Our country will be in deep debt for generations at the current rate of expense and we have no more children to lose.
Monday, December 11, 2006
No Civilian Draft for Iraq!
Even though this issue has seen little or no mention in the press, the situation is very real for government employees and their families. The risk of working in Iraq is so large that few are willing to volunteer for the duty. Since this is an occupation of choice and not necessity no drafting of any civilian should be allowed. Our legislators need to be made aware of this recommendation and should be active in eliminating the possibility. We have lost enough citizens already. We have no more to lose.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Time for Congress to Budget and Take a Stand
President Bush remains in the seat of power as commander-in-chief of American military forces. In that position he has always kept his own counsel and ignored the advice of outsiders and of his own advisors. Once again we see the likelihood that recommendations from the Iraq Study Group, a high profile, bipartisan group, will be ignored or at least parts will be picked over and chosen to support the President's current course. This must change and needs to change today.
Congress must take control and set the course for this war by managing the funds available. The current course is losing American lives and squandering American money at a rate that is far too high to be sustained. Future generations will be paying the debt generated by this war for many years. Congress needs to take responsibility for budgeting war expenses. If there is not enough money for war and peace, I suggest we choose peace as the best course.
The Decider Needs Congressional Control
The Iraq Study Group has completed its work and submitted a proposal for ending the fiasco that the Iraq occupation has become. President Bush has already declined some of the major proposals. As the News Journal reported today, he is the “Decider.” The President decides to ignore the advice of appointed advisors, the Congress, the courts, and now his high profile Study Group. When will the Decider decide to take good advice and get off this course of destruction the country is following today?
The Congress has the responsibility to appropriate monies to fund the Decider's poor decisions. If our elected officials would accept their responsibility and do right by the electorate President Bush's control of the country would be lessened. Then maybe the Decider would decide to cooperate with Congress for a change.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Congress Must Act to End the Iraq Occupation
There appears to be no real solution that includes our staying in Iraq as a military presence. Withdrawal seems to be the most rational and sensible course available. Why then can our President and our Congress not see this? When will our leaders begin to lead in the ways the voting public most approves? While we continue to squander large amounts of money in Iraq our country is failing to support its own people.
We need to bring the troops home and begin to invest in our own country lest we lose more than we can afford. Congress must get into action and stop funding this illegal and immoral occupation. The sooner we see action to end the occupation the better for all concerned.
Iraq is a Losing Quagmire
Just how many more expensive committees must we sustain before someone has the courage to stand up and tell the truth about Iraq and the situation on the ground over there? This most recent group traveled to Iraq to spend three days in their armored limousines and in the Green Zone. What sort of real information can be garnered that way?
Reports from the ground inside Iraq show a spiral of increasing violence and decreasing public service. Basic services such as electricity, clean water, and sewage treatment are in short supply these days. The country is approaching total destruction on a daily basis.
We must end the occupation to allow humanitarian aid and support in non-military ways. This along with diplomatic efforts with Iran and Syria is the only reasonable way to resolve this crisis. Our Congress members must pressure the administration to change the course. Otherwise we stand to lose even more than we have lost to date.
Death Hits Too Close To Home Today
One more time the ongoing occupation of Iraq has struck home. Once again a Delaware soldier has been killed. To the family and friends of Sgt. Keith Fiscus I extend my heartfelt sympathy. The loss of a dear friend and loved one is a terrible event for all who must suffer such.
Just how many more must die before we take action to bring our troops home? We have no more children to lose. The situation in Iraq is spiraling out of control. Increasing numbers of our troops are being killed on a near daily basis. Congress continues to twiddle its collective thumbs and take no action to end this mess. As we offer our dead the honor they so deserve, we must also protest the continuation of a war with no end so we lose no more.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
War With Iran is on the Horizon
The rattling of sabers continues as the White House declines any face to face talks with Iran until nuclear activity is suspended by the Iranians. Once again we see an administration bent on its own course in the face of opposition around the world. Our Congress continues to be content to just let this happen. We will soon face another unwinnable war if this course is allowed to continue. We are on a downhill slide in the morass that is the occupation of Iraq. In Afghanistan NATO forces are losing ground to the Taliban. And now our government wants to pursue yet another invasion.
When will the folk in charge of this country come to their senses and realize that diplomacy cannot be carried out at the end of a gun barrel? We need to pursue international relations to begin to solve some of the issues of the world today. The report of the Baker Commission even suggests diplomatic alternatives. The White House needs to take heed of their advisors instead of continuing to mount new threats of military force.
The Dems Are Leading the Effort to Increase the War in Iraq
Now even the Democrats are getting into the Iraq act. In spite of a recent election which was a strong message against the war, Representative Reyes, soon to be Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, is calling for increasing American troop numbers in Iraq. This is unconscionable. The voters have spoken loud and clear. The time has come for our Congress to pay attention. The ongoing expenses in Iraq let alone the deaths of our soldiers can no longer be supported.
A new defense spending request is on the horizon. We should each and every one let our Senators and our Congressman know we oppose any expenditure beyond what is necessary to bring our troops home. We cannot afford any more money or any more lives in this war. We must tell the Democrats what our votes meant. We cannot lie still and let them take the failed Republican course any longer.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
End the Occupation NOW!!
The time has come to recognize our mistake, accept our losses, honor our dead, and bring the living home. The more time our troops spend in Iraq, the more dead soldiers we will bring home. The sooner we end the occupation and bring our forces back to American soil the better.
The Morass in Iraq Continues Day by Day
We are now 3 ½ years into the occupation of Iraq. The President continues to insist we will “stay the course” until final victory is achieved. How that final event is to be accomplished or defined we have not yet been told. The course to date has meant expenditures of immense amounts of money and American military deaths approaching the 3000 mark. Just how much longer can we sustain this approach.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Iraq Just Keeps on Getting Worse
As the violence continues to escalate and the situation spirals out of control President Bush seems either unable or unwilling to accept the facts. His continued posture of “we will stay until we finish the job” is no longer acceptable. The price in American dollars and US lives is much too high. We each and every one should insist upon full and immediate withdrawal of our forces as soon as possible. Otherwise we will remain on hand to witness further escalation of violence and a worsening situation.
Civil War or Not We Must Withdraw from Iraq
President Bush continues to assert his stand that we will stay the course until the deed is finished. How many more must die before our Congress and the administration recognize the futility of our staying? The longer we continue this illegal action, the more we stand to lost in the international community let alone the more of our troops will come home dead or injured. The time has come for withdrawal. The Iraqi people must be given a chance to resolve the situation in their own time and their own way. An American occupation only serves to fuel the ongoing violence.
I Am Not A Traitor!!
The group standing vigil this week was somewhat larger than usual and included one couple who brought their children along with a granddaughter. We were spread along a city block standing on an interstate overpass just where we have stood for nearly two years. Earlier on, just after the invasion of Iraq, the vigil was held at another corner, but we moved for more traffic exposure. On any given Friday night the response is generally a positive one with a majority of drivers honking their horn in support. Sometimes people yell in support and some simply wave their hands. We in turn wave in response to all who acknowledge our group.
On Black Friday traffic was notably light. We presume many people were traveling and others had a vacation from work. The response to our presence was not our usual. Of course we had a majority of positive responses from drivers, but an unusual number were yelling negatives. We were called "traitors" and "ungrateful Americans." At least one man called George Bush "a great man." Multiple uplifted middle fingers were pointed our way along with at least one closed and upraised fist gestured in an angry way. These suggestions were in addition to the usual recommendations that we "get a job" or "go back home."
For months now the number of negative responses has been small (usually less than five in an hour). This night there were about double the usual number and the invective seemed unusually strong. We were struck as a group both by the unusual numbers of negative responses in addition to the group of individuals offering such retorts. Nearly every negative rejoinder came from young men (under 30 or so and all were caucasian). Many of the rejoinders came from cars filled with such young folk. I presume most were college students from their age and manner of dress. How such a group could feel such a strong negativism none of us could understand.
What have we done wrong in this country to have our young feel and act so strongly in the face of a simple protest group? Have we failed to teach them the rights our first amendment guarantees? Do they not know that men and women of their same age are dying on a daily basis in Iraq? Were they not taught basic civility by their parents? Or do they feel somehow released from civil behavior by virtue of being in a car with their friends?
We as a group of peace activists will continue to stand in quiet protest until all current and future war involvement is ended for our country. Until that time we will continue to act in what we consider to be the best interest of our country. We are every one very conscious of our rights and privileges as Americans and for that we are very grateful. We consider ourselves to be patriots of the highest form. Than anyone would honestly consider us traitors remains very painful to consider.
Crossposted at DailyKos and NION.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Children Are Dying in Iraq Every Day
Such events are tragic to the maximum degree. What military force can hope to have the support of the population when such reports become widespread? How can we not expect the relatives of those children not to react in anger at the presence of American troops? The only reasonable solution is to withdraw our troops and begin the humanitarian effort necessary to stabilize and rebuild Iraq. We must withdraw now. We have no more children to lose.
The Deaths Continue in Iraq
Just how much longer are we, the American people, willing to allow this senseless violence to continue. Given the failure of the American military to stop the continuing sectarian violence the reasonable step seems to be to bring them home before any more die. Staying the course for the past few years has led to more American deaths without any obvious increase in security in either the US or in Iraq. We must bring our troops home and bring them home now. Tomorrow may be too late for a few more young Americans who do not deserve to die.
Saturday, October 28, 2006
VOTE November 7
Many actions of this administration in recent years are the wrong ones. We can no longer afford to “stay the course.” On November 7 we have the chance to change direction by voting for Democratic candidates. Every voter must go to the polls and vote their individual conscience. Failure to vote signifies acceptance or support of the current path for our country.
Sunday, October 22, 2006
So long as we sit idly by, warming our feet by the fire, enjoying our comfortable homes our children will continue to die in a losing cause. We have nothing left to win in Iraq except for the lives of those troops who are alive today. Only by immediate and unconditional withdrawal do we stand to save any measure of respect in the international community. Such withdrawal will come from our administration only when the voice of the people is heard loud and clear. The time has come to yell louder and longer. Only by crying out together can we can bring about the necessary changes.
A Vote for Withdrawal
An election is just around the corner. We are each responsible for voting if we wish to maintain our democratic freedoms. To that end I suggest we consider the candidates and give our support to the one that most fulfills our desires for supporting the troops. We need to support candidates that recognize the usefulness of a strong military and one that recognizes we should not waste our forces on ill advised missions. In short we need to support those candidates encouraging full and rapid withdrawal of American forces from Iraq. The final decision is personal to each of us but for today and for all the foreseeable future my vote will not be given to any candidate who supports the Iraq occupation.
Friday, September 29, 2006
Our Constitution is Being Eroded
Thursday, September 28, 2006
RIP America
As of this day the America we all knew and loved no longer exists. In the name of fighting terror we have taken one giant step down the moral ladder. Once again we as a country have demonstrated our lack of real integrity. Once again all of America has lost. I grieve for a country that once made me proud. I am embarrassed, angry, and disappointed that these actions were taken in my name by our Congress.
Iraq Is Too Expensive to Continue
Iraq Is Too Expensive to Continue
Monday, September 25, 2006
No Torture Bill in America!!
The bill now being considered in both houses of Congress would allow our government to bypass rules established by the Geneva Conventions. The bill would allow various means of interrogation which have long been considered torture by most reasonable people. The bill would also give retroactive protection to those members of the military and the CIA who may have illegally performed such tortures in the past. We cannot allow this to happen.
Our moral standing in the international community is at an all time low as a result of our invasion and subsequent occupation of Iraq and the publicized mistreatment of prisoners. That we even allow discussion of the proposed torture bill is unconscionable. That our legislators may allow such a bill to pass is beyond imagining. Let foreign presidents rail as they will, we have larger fish to fry on our own soil.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
We Have Lost In Iraq
We Americans need to take a good look at where our country is going. Our stature in the world is falling and will not be improved so long as we remain in Iraq. The world holds us responsible for the situation in Iraq; and rightly so since we did invade what was at the time a peaceful country. When our troops entered Iraq we had not been attacked, local citizens had relative safety (compared to the situation today) and jobs, and public services were intact. Today not one of those descriptors fits in most parts of Iraq.
Our actions are destroying a country and its economy to the benefit of large corporations and political contributors. Our military is stretched beyond reasonable limits. Enough is enough. The time has come to admit defeat, bring our troops home, and commit what remains of our resources to the healing of the wounded and the restoration of both our own country and Iraq. We have no more time to waste.
World, I Am Sorry
I am sorry that in two separate elections nearly half of American voters supported George Bush as the country moved toward being the biggest bully on the block. We as a voting public offered our trust where none was due. As thanks for our support we were rewarded with a large dose of fear. We have seen our civil rights eroded steadily by both a secretive administration and a subservient Congress. Today we have lost much of our power to protest the misdeeds of the government thanks to the so-called Patriot Act. Today we are subject to government spying on our private affairs without either warrant or notice.
In the next few weeks an election of great importance will take place. This time we have a chance to vote our ideals. We can look at the track record of the current administration and learn for ourselves. We have the choice of changing the course of this country or we can continue the same downward spiral. For the sake of our position in the world I for one hope we find a new direction.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
We Need Different Opinions
All of us who oppose the ongoing Iraq debacle need to speak up at regular intervals lest our voices be suppressed or lost. We have lost too many of our freedoms already in this war on terrorism. We cannot afford to lose more. If we fail to speak up and simply join the pack we stand to lose our country. We cannot afford to put aside our differences and follow in blind fashion down a path we see as wrong.
We Have a War Criminal for a President
Given the state of affairs in addition to the ongoing admissions by the President of various illegal activities (warrantless spying and secret prisons) I continue to be amazed at the lack of any response by the American public. We should be outraged. We have been lied to repeatedly by a President who is by all definitions a war criminal. How much longer will we allow this situation to continue? We must demand an immediate end to the illegal occupation of Iraq and demand full legal recourse by international courts if we are to regain any measure of standing in the world community. We cannot stand still and allow our country to be led any further into criminal activity.
Time for a Change in Leadership
Day by day we see our freedoms eroding in this country. Day by day we see increasing violence worldwide. Day by day we see a failure of leadership in the White House or Congress in solving these problems. We need new leadership. The elections are coming in November. Now is the time to insist both our incumbent politicians and the candidates for office address our concerns and offer new solutions. Time is wasting. We are in the same position as Rome under Nero when Rome burned and Nero fiddled. We cannot afford to stand by and lose our country to inept leadership.
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Wasting Money in Iraq
We have many needs in our country today. Even one hour's worth of Iraq expenditures could provide superior health care to many people. Only an hour's monies could feed, house, and clothe large numbers of our neediest citizens. College tuition for hundreds would require only an hour's money. For just a few days' expense the levies in New Orleans could be rebuilt so we don't face a repeat of the Katrina disaster. For a few hours' money we could provide real port security for our country in place of the sham we enjoy today.
There are too many ways the money is needed at home to allow ongoing expenses in Iraq. We must insist on withdrawal today lest we spend our country into a black hole of debt that will never be filled. Today we can change our course and begin the recovery our country needs so badly. Staying the course is no longer a realistic option unless we intend to destroy our country entirely.
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Brutality, Atrocity, and War
Every atrocious act from our troops brings increased resistance to the occupation and leads to increased support for the insurgency. We can support the individual soldiers to the degree that they are performing their jobs in an unforgiving environment, but at the same time we cannot use that environment to justify illegal acts of any sort. If we fail to demand justice we allow further erosion of our American heritage. We cannot afford to lose our standards of behavior even in a time of war.
We Must Oppose the Iraq Occupation Today
The time has come for each of us to contact our elected officials and insist on a new course. We should insist there be no permanent American military bases in Iraq. We need to withdraw our troops and those of other coalition countries to allow the Iraqis an opportunity to govern their own affairs. We should insist on full funding of the Veterans Administration to give the returning troops the support they deserve. We as a country need to change our stance in world affairs and end the reliance on “pre-emptive” invasion as an option. We need to redirect the funds being used to further the occupation for better support of our affairs at home.
The ongoing costs of the occupation are too high in both blood and dollars. By withdrawing from Iraq we have a chance to set a new course for our country. So long as we remain silent the same losses will continue for an indefinite future. We must all speak up and speak out about today and make our legislators aware of our thoughts. Today is not too late, but tomorrow may well be.
Monday, September 04, 2006
History is Full of Lessons if We Only Look
Until and unless our elected leaders here the protest loud and clear our children will continue to die in Iraq. To date every death has been in vain as the country has deteriorated into civil war and worldwide terror attacks have never been higher in number.
What have we gained in this war? We will not gain from this or any other war until we begin to learn from our past history. History is only a learning experience if we let it be. We must begin to look at our history, stop repeating the same mistakes, and end the occupation of Iraq. Any other course has been proven in past times to lead only to further losses. We simply have no more children to lose.
The Iraq Occupation is Criminal
Our elected leaders took us into Iraq. Now we, the voters of this fair country, are responsible for changing the course. No one should argue that we have any right to continue criminal behavior. The responsible course is full and rapid withdrawal followed by economic support to foster rebuilding the country we have almost destroyed. To choose any other course but withdrawal is to continue criminal behavior. No person can continue to support such illegal activity and still claim to live as a moral and civil person.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Catastrophe or Victory??
We must all demand an immediate end to this fantasy the administration has created in their own minds. Maybe President Bush and his advisors cannot see the truth but anyone else surely can. The daily reports of violence and instability along with the daily losses suffered by American forces are enough to tell any reasonable person that victory is not on the horizon. The time has come to change course and withdraw from Iraq. Only by leaving the country to the Iraqis is there any hope of ending the catastrophe that is our occupation.
We Are In Danger of Losing Our Country
We can no longer afford to continue down this path. The sooner we withdraw from Iraq the sooner we can begin to restore some measure of both domestic and international tranquility. The handwriting is on the wall. We are pursuing a failing course which is worsening with time. The costs are simply too high. We have no more children to lose. We are in danger of losing our country as we knew it if we fail to change course very soon.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Support the Troops--Bring Them Home Today
We must insist on withdrawal from Iraq as soon as possible. We find ourselves today occupying a country in the midst of a civil war. American and other foreign troops are caught in the crossfire. The longer we stay the higher will be our casualty numbers. The more often a soldier is assigned a risky chore, the more likely an injury or death.
If we wish to support our troops we need to take action today. Write or call your Congressional representatives. Send a letter to the editor of any newspaper. With concerted action we can give our troops the support they so soundly deserve. To support to any lesser degree is not an option.
No Permanent Bases in Iraq
Our troops are dying on a daily basis. More than 2600 are dead to date and many thousands injured too badly to return to duty. Hundreds will require a lifetime of care as a result of their injuries. Will we, the American, public allow such injuries and deaths to continue for an indefinite future? The installation of permanent bases in Iraq guarantees the exposure of our troops to ongoing risks. Only by withdrawing all our troops and leaving those established bases can we stop the blood shed.
Leave Iraq to the Iraqis
Given the apparent increasing failure of military force, the single prudent course left for pursuit is complete withdrawal of foreign troops. Once that withdrawal is accomplished the Iraquis will have an opportunity to establish their own independent society. So long as an occupying force continues its presence the Iraqis have little or no incentive to make progress on their own.
Cleaning up the Mess in Iraq
On the surface it appears the continued presence of foreign troops acts as a catalyst for terrorists. The foreigners are an easy target with their uniforms and vehicles. Only inside the fabled Green Zone are troops and foreign civilians safe from attack. When one cleans a kitchen made a mess by the children, one begins by removing the children from the area. Removing our troops from Iraq would allow the locals to being the process of cleaning up the mess we have made. With help from outside agencies that cleanup may be a successful venture. So long as the children stay in the kitchen the mess cannot be cleared.
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
We Must Leave Iraq NOW
Democracy has never been instilled by military force. We are seeing a rising resistance to American occupation as measured by ever increasing numbers of insurgent attacks on our forces. In addition the numbers of Iraqi civilians killed is growing steadily. How can anyone expect democracy to arise from such a course?
Saddam Hussein has been deposed. An elected government is his replacement. And yet the President tells us the American presence must continue at least until the end of his term. To what end will we continue the occupation? Will an unending occupation insure peace and democracy in the Middle East? Or will the occupation just lead to more American deaths and end in civil war in the country?
We must leave Iraq as soon as possible if we are to have any hope of real peace in the Middle East. Our presence in Iraq is an ongoing irritation that serves as a focus of Arab and international anger directed toward our country. If we are to begin rebuilding international relations and begin once again to lead in the world we must begin by ending the occupation of Iraq.
Civil Disobedience
In the past civil disobedience brought changes in both the law and in our society as a whole. One only need think of the bus boycott in Birmingham, AL, and the subsequent changes in civil rights in that city. If more citizens took a personal stance in opposition to the occupation of Iraq we, too, could change the future. Doing nothing insures a continuation of the present course and is no longer an acceptable position.
Sunday, August 20, 2006
The Cost of Iraq is Too High to Afford
How much longer must we subject ourselves to this course? What price are we, the American public, willing to pay for this unending war? The administration continues to assure we are making progress while we are also reminded the war has no end in sight. This is unconscionable. We must demand an end to the occupation with rapid withdrawal of our forces. Otherwise we face an unending loss of lives, property, and dollars. Our society can no longer afford the price of this occupation.
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Paying the way in Iraq
We as a country need to take a good look at our course and see if or not we are on the right path. We as citizens are responsible for learning where our money is being spent and for seeing that our representatives in Congress follow our wishes. We should not allow ourselves or our country to follow any course that goes against the common good.
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Gambling on Iraq
“Staying the course” as President Bush and his advisors continue to suggest is just bringing more misery and more lost lives. This war is a losing gamble. The sooner we admit our mistake and bring our troops home the sooner we can hope to begin a winning course. We have no more children to lose neither our own nor Iraqi.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
The War on Terror is Self-Defeating
The victims of the war on terror include not just the terrorists killed but the civilians who are “collateral damage” in the ongoing conflict. In addition America as a country is an innocent victim as we see our monetary and military resources squandered in an ongoing occupation of what was an innocent country before the invasion. In addition the creation of increasing numbers of terrorists in reaction to American actions in the world make our country less safe than ever before.
Staying the current course is self-defeating. We must change direction to restore America to its former greatness as a leader of the world. We should focus on capturing and isolating the world leaders of terrorism through basic intelligence activity. We must put our resources toward job creation and changes in fundamental economic circumstances such that people have hope for their futures. So long as we continue the occupation of Iraq and continue our military domination of the world, terrorism will arise in direct reaction to our actions. The current course guarantees failure and an everlasting war.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
The War to Nowhere
The time has come for a real change of course. We need to take on a course of diplomatic intervention along with real social and infrastructure support. No substantive change can be made so long as the American occupation continues. Once the troops leave the country support for internal functions such as electricity, potable water, schools, and hospitals will be needed. Such support has the potential to undermine the terrorist support now fueled by a foreign occupation. Only by major change in direction do we have any hope of defeating the terrorists of this world.
Sunday, August 13, 2006
How sad, but they are dying in vain
How much longer can we allow this deteriorating situation to continue? How many more of our children must die before we call and end to the occupation? Just what price are we willing to pay for the mistakes of our leaders in invading Iraq in the first place? We must all speak up and call for an immediate end to the occupation of Iraq. Only by bringing our troops home can we hope to end the losses.
The real way to fight terror
We must end our policy of armed aggression in th name of spreading democracy. Underlying social change is important if we are truly to fight terrorists. Until all people feel entitled to freedom and the opportunity to live in safety and relative comfort we will continue to have a source of unrest. That unrest too often takes the course of terrorism in attacks against a purported suppressor.
The US can change course today. We can start to support economic development in all countries of the world. We can support real worldwide trade agreements that allow people to support their families instead of the ones that only support America. The time to start is today. We may be late, but still we are better late than never.
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Terrorist Investigations and the Law
The most important point of the story is the spoiling of the plot with legal means of investigation. Wiretaps and surveillance were used widely by British police both in England and in America according to news reports. No illegal activity of the sort carried out by the Bush administration was found to be necessary.
That such a successful investigation is possible in a legal environment should serve as a real reason to forego the administration's attempts to widen the current surveillance laws. No such widening seems to be necessary in the light of this most recent investigation. If the British can do this surely Americans can do the same or better.
Sunday, July 30, 2006
More Bu$hco Misleading Information
There seemed to be hope on the horizon with the Hamdan decision from SCOTUS. Now we not only find the administration calling on Congress to legalize the confinement and torture of detainees but we find them planning permanent detention centers. No longer am I surprised and yet I continue to be shocked by the absolute lack of integrity in this crowd. How much longer can our country afford this bunch? How much lower can they stoop? We can only hope the end will come in November with the elections.
Saturday, July 15, 2006
We Need Real Courage in Journalism
Today we live in an instant world. Every moment of the day we are exposed to the news of the moment on television. The print press has an opportunity to offer real news as opposed to the momentary entertainment. Reporters for the print media have the opportunity to take time for evaluation, investigation, and comparison before submitting an article. Editors can ask hard questions of the reporters to be certain of the accuracy and timeliness of any article.
Today the press is foregoing much of its responsibility by becoming an entertainment venue instead of an information venue. We need a return to real information. The truth is tough sometimes, but truth is better than living in a world of delusion fed by a print media too afraid to print the truth.
Friday, July 14, 2006
Fascism post to read
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Bush and National Security
America is at war.
A declaration of war requires a defined enemy. The so-called war in question is the war on terrorism which has no real enemy, only an ill defined group who threaten to attack the United States or its interests. There are better ways to counter terrorism than to attack with military force.
… the rise of terrorism fueled by an aggressive ideology of hatred and murder
With a rise fueled by the ongoing occupation of Iraq yet ignored by the administration.
America also has an unprecedented opportunity to lay the foundations for future peace. The ideals that have inspired our history – freedom, democracy, and human dignity – are increasingly inspiring individuals and nations throughout the world. And because free nations tend toward peace, the advance of liberty will make America more secure.
Once that was true. After the attacks of 9/11 the United States enjoyed the sympathy of the world. At that time we were the most powerful nation in the world in both military and overall world popularity. Since that time we have seen our influence in the world community vastly diminished. Today we are less approved and more disliked as a nation than at any time in our history. The initial invasion and ongoing occupation of Iraq were mistakes of colossal magnitude.
We have kept on the offensive against terrorist networks, leaving our enemy weakened, but not yet defeated.
Wrong, wrong, wrong. Terrorism by any measure has increased around the world. Leaving Americans in Iraq fuels the insurgency and has allowed the beginning of spread to other countries such as Jordan.
We have joined with the Afghan people to bring down the Taliban regime – the protectors of the al-Qaida network – and aided a new, democratic government to rise in its place.
And now we see the ineffectiveness in that government as the Taliban rears its ugly head stronger than before.
We have cultivated stable and cooperative relations with all the major powers of the world.
Cooperation is not really possible when the US hands out the only acceptable terms. Other countries around the world left the coalition of the willing long ago. World opinion continues to deteriorate.
We have also found that the defense of freedom brings us loss and sorrow
More than 2500 American troops dead and uncounted thousands of Iraqis is surely cause for sorrow.
The ongoing course of this administration is just too much. No longer can any one of us afford to remain silent. We must all speak up and speak out loud and clear before time runs out and change cannot be accomplished.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Worst Presidency in History?
While we cannot be sure how history will judge this administration we each have a responsibility to our country to speak up and let our feelings be known. Our legislators have the power to change much of what is wrong. They need only to hear the public sentiment that supports such changes. Only by our voices being heard loud and clear will this country begin to change the course of this failing administration.
Friday, July 07, 2006
We Need an Active Public
In past times of war our citizens were often carried to action by emotion rather than reason. This response is perfectly human, but each of us must remain mindful of our own behavior.
I implore each and every citizen of this country today to educate themselves. Given today’s overall world political setting and the specific conflict in Iraq we each need to be fully aware of our Constitution and its guidelines for freedom. Without the open expression of opinion based on such knowledge we are seriously in danger of being misled as a populace.
Today we continue to see a government acting outside the will of the people. How can this be allowed to continue? Only with an active citizenry expressing their views can we make a difference. Otherwise we continue the downward run to oblivion.
Left and Right
Here’s a little nugget from the Bible to use as a litmus test: “By their fruits ye shall know them.” Don’t listen to what George Bush and his cronies say about their Christian faith and values. Pay attention to the results of their actions. By this you will see the real unvarnished truth. The truth is that the Iraq war is an ill considered mess that has resulted in the needless deaths of thousands. The truth is that when our country needed strength most in the horrible aftermath of hurricane Katrina, the Bush administration failed us miserably. The truth is that torture of prisoners in Abu Graib was condoned by the Bush administration and Dick Cheney even now is trying to block legislation that would prevent further abuses. The truth is that rather than fighting terrorists, the Bush administration’s unilateral decision to go to war on false pretenses has created more hatred against the US that feeds terrorists zeal and has completely eroded our relations with most of the other countries in the world. I could go on and on about the environment, energy crisis, women’s rights, healthcare, etc. but the list is too long. So I am asking people who still support the Bush administration to please keep their eye on the bottom line. Who profits from the actions of the Bush administration, the rich and powerful or the American people? Pay attention to the fruits (rather rotten in this case) and you will know the truth.
Liberal: open-minded, giving freely and generously, favorable to progress or reform
4. of or pertaining to representational forms of government rather than aristocracies or monarchies
1.- disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc. or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change
2. – cautiously moderate, a conservative estimate
Belief vs Reason
“By their fruits ye shall know them.” This is from the bible. Perhaps those “Biblical Christians” who feel the need to take the bible literally may learn from those words. We are directed by the bible not to be taken in by false words, but to judge people by the results of their actions. Put your hands over your ears to block the words of Bush and his administration and look at the fruits. The fruits of the Iraq war are rotted and laying on the ground for all to see. This is what I see: I see an invasion of Iraq where we were told that Osama Bin Laden and terrorists were in Iraq. This was a lie. Now more than 2500 U.S. soldiers are dead and more than 15,000 are wounded. The Iraqi civilian casualties are in the tens of thousands. We have lost the good will of much of the rest of the world that our previous presidents, both republican and democratic, worked so hard to forge in the past.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
President's actions ruled illegal one more time
The core of this decision goes back to the responsibility of Congress to approve any such action. Independent action of this sort is not included in the Constitutional duties and responsibilities of an American President. The Executive branch as headed by the President is empowered to enforce laws passed by the Legislative branch (the Congress). When are both the administration and the Congress going to awaken and shoulder their individual responsibilities. Today what we have is ongoing consolidation of power under the Executive branch without real regard to the law. The current Supreme Court ruling is a fine step in the direction of ending such overstepping.
Maybe one day we will find our Constitutional government back at the forefront. Hope does spring eternal.
Patriotism thoughts
In my own opinion patriotism is best lived and not worn as an outward and exuberant demonstration. The very folk who feel they need to show public fervor are the ones who seem least likely to me to be true patriots.
Just one opinion among many I suspect.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
The Democrats Blow it again--Helen Thomas
Democrats could blow it again
By Helen ThomasPublished 12:01 am PDT Sunday, June 25, 2006
WASHINGTON -- When are the Democrats going to get their act together? Surely, they are not going to let President Bush's political guru, Karl Rove, snooker them in the midterm November election campaign as he did in the last two presidential elections.
What is he going to pull out of the hat? Soft on terrorism? Gay marriage? Flag burning? 9-11? Are the Democrats going to be such easy prey again, neutralized by phony wedge issues and neglectful of the real issue, which is the administration's flagrant use of falsehoods to justify a war of choice? It could happen again. The leaderless Democrats, speaking in a cacophony, are being outgunned by the conservatives and members of their own party representing the Democratic Leadership Council who are at heart "Republican lite."
The Democrats should campaign on the slogan "It's the war, stupid." Do any of them have the courage to take a stand on the Iraqi quagmire?
There are a handful, including Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., a Vietnam veteran who is calling for a speedy U.S. pullout from Iraq.
He also took a swipe at Rove on NBC's "Meet the Press" Sunday for pushing the war while "sitting in his big air-conditioned office on his big, fat backside, saying 'Stay the course.' "
He was responding to Rove's speech in New Hampshire last week in which Rove attacked Democrats for what he called "that party's old pattern of cutting and running."
Rove -- who prides himself on being a history buff -- obviously did not remember when President Gerald Ford ordered American troops out of Vietnam in April 1975. They departed -- some clinging by their fingertips to helicopters -- as North Vietnamese forces advanced on Saigon.
At that time Ford said at Tulane University: "We, of course, are saddened indeed by the events in Indochina.
But these events, tragic as they are, portend neither the end of the world nor of America's leadership in the world."
Summing up, he added: "The fate of responsible men and women everywhere, (meaning the South Vietnamese) rests in their own hands, not in ours."
Polls show that the American people -- including many Republicans -- are beginning to turn against the war.
In addition to an endless war for no known American objective, there are a host of other issues that Democrats should embrace to hit home to every American. They could shout from the rooftops against the chipping away at the Bill of Rights and expansion of presidential power.
President Bush has asserted the right to wiretap and eavesdrop on any American without a warrant in the name of fighting terrorism. He has asserted presidential power beyond stated constitutional rights and there is no Republican gutsy enough to call his hand.
The Bush administration also has detained hundreds of suspected terrorists in limbo without charges or trials.
And then there are the shameful alleged secret prisons abroad where prisoners may be subjected to torture under interrogation.
The fact that millions of Americans lack health insurance is a theme that Democrats should campaign on. The Democrats should support universal health care. When the Bush administration lays down the law in the prescription drug program that drug prices are not negotiable, who is it working for? Another rich target for Democrats: Bush and the Republican Congress cut taxes for the richest people in the country while fighting to keep the 10-year-old minimum wage at $5.15 cents.
Former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards, D-N.C., said last week that the "divide between rich and poor in this country has reached outrageous proportions." He urged passage of Massachusetts Sen.
Edward Kennedy's bill to raise the minimum wage to $7.25 an hour in three stages.
And how about the cuts in homeland security funding for vulnerable New York and Washington? The Democrats could also hit upon our diminished image around the world and loss of credibility.
As President Bush prepared to visit Europe this week, Die Zeit, a German weekly, declared that Americans have "lost their moral credibility in Iraq."
The newspaper also said "America's entire Iraq policy is out of control."That's what the Democrats should be saying
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
More Flag Burning rant
As a veteran of VietNam I feel strongly about the protection of freedom of speech in addition to feeling strongly about the flag and everything represented by those stars and stripes. Many a good person has fought and died for the principles of truth, justice, and freedom for all embodied in our flag.
Burning the flag as a demonstration of protest seems to me a reasonable part of the freedoms symbolized by the flag. Freedom of speech and freedom of assembly are integral to the founding principles of this country.
Our Constitution has stood steady and strong for more than 200 years with little need for tinkering. The current flag burning outcry is nothing more than a political ploy to keep the American attention turned from truly major issues. This amendment needs to be stopped before any more time or energy is wasted in its consideration.
Pay raise time again for the Congress
With the enormous costs of the Iraq occupation and the increasing deficit let alone the perceived poor performance of our Congress, a pay raise this budget year unconscionable. Automatic pay raises are not the norm in American business under most circumstances. Most Americans canot expect any such raise without a performance review for sure.
In past years Congressional action has led to foregoing the pay raise. Some members of Congress voluntarily pass up the raises at some points in time. In the circumstance of this year the best approach seems to pass the raise for every one of the current Congressional members. Maybe in the future if the performance is seen to be better raises could be instituted once again. Any automatic pay raise without some degree of responsibility to the public interest is intolerable and should be ended once and for all.
The outlaw President on a roll
So many examples of blatantly illegal activity have been admitted to by President Bush in recent times. Yet every admission is greeted by a ho-hum attitude from the Congress instead of the impeachment proceedings that are so well deserved. When will Congress find its backbone again?
I truly fear for the future of our country. So much damage has been done to our standing both internally and in the world community in the past few years. Generations of real effort will be necessary to reverse this downward spiral. The sooner we get to work the better for me.
Ours is a country founded on principles of freedom and justice for all, not just for the wealthy and the heck with the poor. Our freedoms are being taken away in wholesale quantities by the Patriot Act and various illegal spying activities. The internet is under attack and in real danger of becoming another commercial venture in which freedom of thought and expression once again may be subverted.
Where will all this end? What do we do other than sit around and worry? We take action, that is what. We cannot afford to sit quietly in our comfortable homes and let this happen around us. We have a societal obligation to work for the benefit of the country more than to the benefit of the wealthy and powerful few.
Monday, June 26, 2006
The Flag Burning Decoy
The Senate is considering a constitutional amendment to ban flag burning. In the meantime
The neo-conservatives have been very successful in recent years. Power is highly centralized within the executive branch. Two major wars have been started with at best questionable intelligence. The Supreme Court has two conservative justices recently installed. Multiple bills have passed to the detriment of the country including No Child Left Behind (better known as Leave No Child a Dime), the Patriot Act (or the death of the First Amendment Act), the Medicare Drug Bill (an aid package for big drug companies), the Clear Skies Initiative (clearing the way to increased air pollution by major contributors), and the Healthy Forests Act (clearing the way to clearcut more of our national forests). In addition to all this we see tax cuts for the richest of our nation along with the highest deficits in history.
The neo-conservative element has been very successful in their plan. The nation is suffering heavily from their success. The time for a turnaround is here. Our Congressional members need to take a stand and regain their fair place in the government. We, the voting public, can take to the streets and to the polls to insure we replace elected officials who fail to exercise their proper power. We need to keep on talking to our friends, our neighbors, and all who are near enough to hear. We can blog, we can e-mail, we can phone. Any means is legitimate. The anger is simmering. We need to bring this pot to a full boil.Sunday, June 25, 2006
We Must All Take Action
The occupation continues in
At the same time we see increasing amounts of resistance to the war. Hundreds of American military personnel are now living in
Each of us has the ability to act to stop the downward spiral. We can write to our Congressional representatives. We can write to our local newspapers. We can join our local anti-war organizations. We can start a blog or contribute to one already working. In lieu of action we can donate money to the groups that are being proactive.
What are you doing today to end the morass and to bring our troops home before any more die and before any more are driven to serious crime in the name of war? Inaction is intolerable. Inaction brings only increasing responsibility for the ills created by the continuation of the occupation.
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Freedom of Speech 1
More on this subject in future days I am certain. For today,
Freedom of speech is a founding principle of our country. Censorship in its broadest forms is not acceptable in
Today we see increasing suppression of free speech in the name of “national security.” Journalists report being prevented from reporting truth or facts that are critical of the current administration. In fact one may notice mainstream journalists in
A degree of self-censorship is legitimate if one is a juror, an employee of a legal professional during litigation. Certainly self-censorship is appropriate when one refrains from making obviously false or mailicious statements, refraining from libel or slander, or violating a trust. As citizen journalists commenting on the world at large, we have an obligation to refrain from inciting violence.
Even so when all is said and done we keep an individual responsibility to speak up and share our thoughts. Free and open discourse is a founding principle of our country we must not let wither on the vine of either government interference or citizen disuse.
Take a chance today! Write that letter to the editor. Steal words from this blog if you wish. Feel free!
PC Manners and the Occupation of Iraq
Political Correctness manners are most often ascribed to liberals, not conservatives. Back in the old days of the 60’s and 70’s we liberals managed to stop the more conservative among us (read that Republican in large manner in those days) to stop using a variety of racial and other degrading epithets in the name of PC. Today the shoe seems to be on the other foot.
Today we have a “War in
What we have today is really an occupation (once again the obfuscation comes into play) of a nation which never caused us any harm and never had weapons of mass destruction. What
The connection of the so called War on Terror with the Occupation of Iraq was deliberate political ploy by the Bush administration. All the outrage over 9/11 was purposely directed toward Saddam Hussein, who in fact had nothing to do with the event. Scapegoats surely are useful sometimes.
Silence is no longer acceptable
From several days ago, the thoughts of that day.
Violence begets violence. The descending spiral is very difficult to interrupt. We see examples of such descent in
Why are we surprised by this news? On the other hand why are we not one and all so outraged that we insist on an end to this war and bring our troops home? So long as we the public remain silent the violence will continue to escalate. We must speak up and speak out lest we lose our moral standing altogether. Silence is no longer acceptable.