Wednesday, September 20, 2006

We Have Lost In Iraq

The violence escalates on a daily basis in Iraq. More American dead are added to the toll almost every day. And yet we are assured that “all is well” by our Congress and the administration. I must disagree. Anyone who thinks the war in Iraq is not lost is delusional. The record of increasing deaths and failing infrastructure in the face of a continuing occupation is very clear. We are not losing. We have lost.

We Americans need to take a good look at where our country is going. Our stature in the world is falling and will not be improved so long as we remain in Iraq. The world holds us responsible for the situation in Iraq; and rightly so since we did invade what was at the time a peaceful country. When our troops entered Iraq we had not been attacked, local citizens had relative safety (compared to the situation today) and jobs, and public services were intact. Today not one of those descriptors fits in most parts of Iraq.

Our actions are destroying a country and its economy to the benefit of large corporations and political contributors. Our military is stretched beyond reasonable limits. Enough is enough. The time has come to admit defeat, bring our troops home, and commit what remains of our resources to the healing of the wounded and the restoration of both our own country and Iraq. We have no more time to waste.

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