I am deeply disturbed by the divide between the so-called left and right in our country. We are engaged in a raging debate that is actually more existential than political. The very nature of reality itself is being called into question. As one who proudly calls myself a liberal I have a great deal of trouble understanding the world view of the so-called “Christian” right which seems to be all about trying to force other people to follow rules about abortion and creationism without demonstrating true Christian values like tolerance, love, or charity. These are the people who proudly voted for a president who lied about WMD’s and a false connection between Iraq and 9/11 because he sometimes seems to be against abortion. Apparently it’s fine to kill 2500 plus American soldiers and countless Iraqi civilians in a senseless war but not OK to kill unborn fetuses. Go figure.
Here’s a little nugget from the Bible to use as a litmus test: “By their fruits ye shall know them.” Don’t listen to what George Bush and his cronies say about their Christian faith and values. Pay attention to the results of their actions. By this you will see the real unvarnished truth. The truth is that the Iraq war is an ill considered mess that has resulted in the needless deaths of thousands. The truth is that when our country needed strength most in the horrible aftermath of hurricane Katrina, the Bush administration failed us miserably. The truth is that torture of prisoners in Abu Graib was condoned by the Bush administration and Dick Cheney even now is trying to block legislation that would prevent further abuses. The truth is that rather than fighting terrorists, the Bush administration’s unilateral decision to go to war on false pretenses has created more hatred against the US that feeds terrorists zeal and has completely eroded our relations with most of the other countries in the world. I could go on and on about the environment, energy crisis, women’s rights, healthcare, etc. but the list is too long. So I am asking people who still support the Bush administration to please keep their eye on the bottom line. Who profits from the actions of the Bush administration, the rich and powerful or the American people? Pay attention to the fruits (rather rotten in this case) and you will know the truth.
Liberal: open-minded, giving freely and generously, favorable to progress or reform
4. of or pertaining to representational forms of government rather than aristocracies or monarchies
1.- disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc. or to restore traditional ones, and to limit change
2. – cautiously moderate, a conservative estimate
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