Wednesday, September 20, 2006

World, I Am Sorry

As we continue the daily trek toward five years in Iraq, the news from Baghdad and other locations worsens on a daily basis. The number of terrorist attacks in Afghanistan is higher now than at any point since the initial invasion by American forces. For what has happened in both countries to date as a result of my government’s action I offer my humble apology to the entire world. Please accept my sincere apology for what America has become.

I am sorry that in two separate elections nearly half of American voters supported George Bush as the country moved toward being the biggest bully on the block. We as a voting public offered our trust where none was due. As thanks for our support we were rewarded with a large dose of fear. We have seen our civil rights eroded steadily by both a secretive administration and a subservient Congress. Today we have lost much of our power to protest the misdeeds of the government thanks to the so-called Patriot Act. Today we are subject to government spying on our private affairs without either warrant or notice.

In the next few weeks an election of great importance will take place. This time we have a chance to vote our ideals. We can look at the track record of the current administration and learn for ourselves. We have the choice of changing the course of this country or we can continue the same downward spiral. For the sake of our position in the world I for one hope we find a new direction.

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