Saturday, June 24, 2006

Freedom of Speech 1

More on this subject in future days I am certain. For today,

Freedom of speech is a founding principle of our country. Censorship in its broadest forms is not acceptable in America. And yet we are losing our freedom to express ideas openly as the administration monitors our phone conversations and our internet usage. How much farther will the police state be allowed to go before we cry “Foul” and stop the move to end our precious freedom.

Today we see increasing suppression of free speech in the name of “national security.” Journalists report being prevented from reporting truth or facts that are critical of the current administration. In fact one may notice mainstream journalists in America practicing self-censorship in response to administration or corporate pressure.

A degree of self-censorship is legitimate if one is a juror, an employee of a legal professional during litigation. Certainly self-censorship is appropriate when one refrains from making obviously false or mailicious statements, refraining from libel or slander, or violating a trust. As citizen journalists commenting on the world at large, we have an obligation to refrain from inciting violence.

Even so when all is said and done we keep an individual responsibility to speak up and share our thoughts. Free and open discourse is a founding principle of our country we must not let wither on the vine of either government interference or citizen disuse.

Take a chance today! Write that letter to the editor. Steal words from this blog if you wish. Feel free! Post a comment on a blog (this one is fine or any other of your choice). Start your own blog or make a new post on the one you already have in place. Keep on talking. Keep on telling the truth. We can spread the word if we all work together. Alone we are much too small a voice. Together we can be heard.

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