Sunday, August 20, 2006

The Cost of Iraq is Too High to Afford

The current war in Iraq is now more than 4 years in length. Even World War II was shorter in duration. What do we have to show for all this time in fighting? In excess of $500 billion has been spent. More than 2600 Americans are dead and more than 15,000 wounded, many too severely to return to the military. Uncounted thousands of Iraqi citizens including many hundreds of women and children have died. Basic services such as electricity, food, and clean water are at a premium in most areas of Iraq. Osama Bin Laden remains on the run as a result of our leaving Agfhanistan to pursue the invasion of Iraq. Attacks directed at American forces are steadily increasing in both number and in deadly effect.

How much longer must we subject ourselves to this course? What price are we, the American public, willing to pay for this unending war? The administration continues to assure we are making progress while we are also reminded the war has no end in sight. This is unconscionable. We must demand an end to the occupation with rapid withdrawal of our forces. Otherwise we face an unending loss of lives, property, and dollars. Our society can no longer afford the price of this occupation.

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