Wednesday, December 06, 2006

The Dems Are Leading the Effort to Increase the War in Iraq

Now even the Democrats are getting into the Iraq act. In spite of a recent election which was a strong message against the war, Representative Reyes, soon to be Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, is calling for increasing American troop numbers in Iraq. This is unconscionable. The voters have spoken loud and clear. The time has come for our Congress to pay attention. The ongoing expenses in Iraq let alone the deaths of our soldiers can no longer be supported.

A new defense spending request is on the horizon. We should each and every one let our Senators and our Congressman know we oppose any expenditure beyond what is necessary to bring our troops home. We cannot afford any more money or any more lives in this war. We must tell the Democrats what our votes meant. We cannot lie still and let them take the failed Republican course any longer.

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