Thursday, September 07, 2006

Wasting Money in Iraq

The ongoing occupation of Iraq costs $11 million per hour. For that price we maintain 130,000 American troops in the country putting each one at risk of death or serious injury every moment of the day. We are paying for increased destruction of the Iraqi economy and infrastructure. While we maintain a military presence in Iraq the civilian resentment toward our occupation continues to grow. How many better ways could those millions be spent?

We have many needs in our country today. Even one hour's worth of Iraq expenditures could provide superior health care to many people. Only an hour's monies could feed, house, and clothe large numbers of our neediest citizens. College tuition for hundreds would require only an hour's money. For just a few days' expense the levies in New Orleans could be rebuilt so we don't face a repeat of the Katrina disaster. For a few hours' money we could provide real port security for our country in place of the sham we enjoy today.

There are too many ways the money is needed at home to allow ongoing expenses in Iraq. We must insist on withdrawal today lest we spend our country into a black hole of debt that will never be filled. Today we can change our course and begin the recovery our country needs so badly. Staying the course is no longer a realistic option unless we intend to destroy our country entirely.

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