Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Children Are Dying in Iraq Every Day

The news from Iraq continues to be that of increasing violence on all sides. Increasing numbers of Iraqis are dying daily in sectarian attacks. New reports of American inflicted casualties are beginning to surface today. Military spokesmen confirmed today the death of five Iraqi children in a US raid in Ramada. The military claims the raid was in response to insurgent use of the house. After an extensive bombing campaign against the dwelling, only the bodies of the children were found.

Such events are tragic to the maximum degree. What military force can hope to have the support of the population when such reports become widespread? How can we not expect the relatives of those children not to react in anger at the presence of American troops? The only reasonable solution is to withdraw our troops and begin the humanitarian effort necessary to stabilize and rebuild Iraq. We must withdraw now. We have no more children to lose.

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