Monday, September 04, 2006

History is Full of Lessons if We Only Look

In years past America watched as thousands of our soldiers died in Vietnam. Today we are seeing on a daily basis a repeat of that piece of history. Why can we not learn from our past mistakes? Why must we continue the present course in Iraq? Why can we not find a better way?
Until and unless our elected leaders here the protest loud and clear our children will continue to die in Iraq. To date every death has been in vain as the country has deteriorated into civil war and worldwide terror attacks have never been higher in number.

What have we gained in this war? We will not gain from this or any other war until we begin to learn from our past history. History is only a learning experience if we let it be. We must begin to look at our history, stop repeating the same mistakes, and end the occupation of Iraq. Any other course has been proven in past times to lead only to further losses. We simply have no more children to lose.

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