Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Time for a Change in Leadership

President Bush in recent speeches continues to drive home the point that worldwide terrorism is a factor of life and that we need to fight terrorism on all fronts. Americans all seem to be agreed with those general statements. The differences come with how to win against a disorganized front. President Bush wants to “stay the course” Iraq despite the fact that by all measures that course is failing. We need a new course on all fronts.

Day by day we see our freedoms eroding in this country. Day by day we see increasing violence worldwide. Day by day we see a failure of leadership in the White House or Congress in solving these problems. We need new leadership. The elections are coming in November. Now is the time to insist both our incumbent politicians and the candidates for office address our concerns and offer new solutions. Time is wasting. We are in the same position as Rome under Nero when Rome burned and Nero fiddled. We cannot afford to stand by and lose our country to inept leadership.

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