Sunday, October 22, 2006

A Vote for Withdrawal

The occupation of Iraq continues day by day as we see the casualty count for American troops increase. We hear constant reminders the administration about how we should support the troops. The troops deserve all the support we have to give. They deserve the armor and weapons that are denied by the administration. They deserve medical attention for both the physical and mental wounds of the war, not the cuts to VA funding put forth by the administration. The troops deserve to be paid enough so they can live without welfare or the need for payday loan sharks. In short the troops deserve an administration that supports them in fact and not just in words.

An election is just around the corner. We are each responsible for voting if we wish to maintain our democratic freedoms. To that end I suggest we consider the candidates and give our support to the one that most fulfills our desires for supporting the troops. We need to support candidates that recognize the usefulness of a strong military and one that recognizes we should not waste our forces on ill advised missions. In short we need to support those candidates encouraging full and rapid withdrawal of American forces from Iraq. The final decision is personal to each of us but for today and for all the foreseeable future my vote will not be given to any candidate who supports the Iraq occupation.

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