Recent news reports suggest the Pentagon is coming to Congress once again. This time the request will be for an additional $100 billion to continue the occupation of Iraq. The current bill is approximately $800 million per day. At the same time we are spending enormous sums to continue the war effort all indications show a failing course for our investment. Attacks against Americans are at an all time high. Americans are dying at a rate of about 3 per day so far in December. At the same time we have thousands of people in this country without adequate food or housing or both. We have hundreds of thousands without adequate medical care for lack of insurance. We have elderly people struggling to pay for necessary medication thanks to a donut hole in the pharmacy bill.
Given the costs of the war we can no longer afford to continue this course. We as a country need to redirect our resources toward saving our country and end this occupation and ongoing destruction of Iraq. The cost of this occupation will be borne by many future generations lest we reverse course and reverse soon. The new Congress will be seated in January. We every one must let our elected officials know we oppose any additional funds for Iraq beyond what is necessary to bring our troops home. We are squandering resources on a failing cause in Iraq that could be much better invested at home.
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