The occupation continues in Iraq as an ever increasing amount of distressing news is found in the media. Increasing numbers of American troops are being charged with murder. To date the persons charged with serious crimes have all been low ranking with their superiors being left free. Higher ranking officials all the way to the Department of Defense and the White House should be on the list of those charged. General Sanchez early on wrote a memo describing the use of dogs to intimidate detainees. Those tactics were carried to an extreme and General Sanchez earned a big promotion rather than a punishment. Given the relatively loose guidelines troops were often left to decide for themselves what was or was not abusive. Thus we have Abu Graib and other similar incidents. Now we have murder on an increasing scale. This is jjust inexcusable.
At the same time we see increasing amounts of resistance to the war.
Hundreds of American military personnel are now living in
Canada to escape duty in
A few are serving prison time for their resistance.
One Iraq veteran came home to establish the group, Iraq Veterans Against the War. People all over the country are refusing to be silent and are taking steps to end the illegal occupation.
Each of us has the ability to act to stop the downward spiral. We can write to our Congressional representatives. We can write to our local newspapers. We can join our local anti-war organizations. We can start a blog or contribute to one already working. In lieu of action we can donate money to the groups that are being proactive.
What are you doing today to end the morass and to bring our troops home before any more die and before any more are driven to serious crime in the name of war? Inaction is intolerable. Inaction brings only increasing responsibility for the ills created by the continuation of the occupation.
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