Sunday, August 13, 2006

The real way to fight terror

President Bush continues to assure the American public that we are fighting and winning a “war on terrorism.” This from the same administration that ended the search for Osama Bin Laden in order to invade Iraq. Now we see a fine demonstration of one way not to win a war against terror. The ongoing occupation of Iraq is creating a new generation of terrorists in reaction to the American presence and military activity. Doubtless some of those young people will find new and more inventive ways to kill the people whom they oppose.

We must end our policy of armed aggression in th name of spreading democracy. Underlying social change is important if we are truly to fight terrorists. Until all people feel entitled to freedom and the opportunity to live in safety and relative comfort we will continue to have a source of unrest. That unrest too often takes the course of terrorism in attacks against a purported suppressor.

The US can change course today. We can start to support economic development in all countries of the world. We can support real worldwide trade agreements that allow people to support their families instead of the ones that only support America. The time to start is today. We may be late, but still we are better late than never.

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