Sunday, August 27, 2006

Support the Troops--Bring Them Home Today

The time has come to support our troops with real certitude and with unfailing dedication. No longer can we sit by and watch our military members sent back for deployment after deployment in Iraq. No longer can we allow the reserve and national guard members to be taken from families and jobs to face an uncertain future in Iraq. Such ongoing misuse of our troops is unconscionable if we aim to support our troops.

We must insist on withdrawal from Iraq as soon as possible. We find ourselves today occupying a country in the midst of a civil war. American and other foreign troops are caught in the crossfire. The longer we stay the higher will be our casualty numbers. The more often a soldier is assigned a risky chore, the more likely an injury or death.

If we wish to support our troops we need to take action today. Write or call your Congressional representatives. Send a letter to the editor of any newspaper. With concerted action we can give our troops the support they so soundly deserve. To support to any lesser degree is not an option.

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