Tuesday, September 05, 2006

We Must Oppose the Iraq Occupation Today

The initial invasion and subsequent occupation of Iraq was supported by a majority of Americans. Since the initial invasion we learned more facts and learned we were misled about 9/11. Today a clear majority of Americans favor troop withdrawal. In spite of rising public opposition to the war our Congressmen are taking no action to change the course.

The time has come for each of us to contact our elected officials and insist on a new course. We should insist there be no permanent American military bases in Iraq. We need to withdraw our troops and those of other coalition countries to allow the Iraqis an opportunity to govern their own affairs. We should insist on full funding of the Veterans Administration to give the returning troops the support they deserve. We as a country need to change our stance in world affairs and end the reliance on “pre-emptive” invasion as an option. We need to redirect the funds being used to further the occupation for better support of our affairs at home.

The ongoing costs of the occupation are too high in both blood and dollars. By withdrawing from Iraq we have a chance to set a new course for our country. So long as we remain silent the same losses will continue for an indefinite future. We must all speak up and speak out about today and make our legislators aware of our thoughts. Today is not too late, but tomorrow may well be.

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