Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The War to Nowhere

In Iraq “staying the course” as is recommended by many in Congress might better be described as “the war to nowhere.” There are no WMD in Iraq. A democratic government has been installed following an election. We have spent nearly $600 billion to fund the war. Our troops are under constant threat of attack by roadside bombs, small arms fire, and mortars with no clear enemy position to attack in defense. Our troops have done their duty and done it very well.

The time has come for a real change of course. We need to take on a course of diplomatic intervention along with real social and infrastructure support. No substantive change can be made so long as the American occupation continues. Once the troops leave the country support for internal functions such as electricity, potable water, schools, and hospitals will be needed. Such support has the potential to undermine the terrorist support now fueled by a foreign occupation. Only by major change in direction do we have any hope of defeating the terrorists of this world.

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