Sunday, August 12, 2007
Moving the Site
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
The Failing Surge
In spite of all the evidence to the contrary Bush and his administration continue to claim success for the surge in Iraq. What price success? How many more Americans must die before our country recognizes the failure and begins withdrawal? What is an American presence offering to the benefit of the Iraqi people? We must leave Iraq as soon as possible lest the cost to America be one too great to pay.
Thursday, August 02, 2007
A Timetable for Withdrawal from Iraq is Necessary
Turning away from a defined date for leaving Iraq is a failing course on so many levels. The United States can ill afford to continue either the monetary or the human costs of the occupation. American put more than 100,000 troops into Iraq in less than 6 weeks at the time of the invasion. We should be able to withdraw at least as quickly. The time is here to set a timetable for full and complete withdrawal from Iraq. The country is suffering a slow and painful death from a million cuts as we remain mired in Iraq. We must end the war and withdraw now.
Poor Performing President
I beg to differ. The President is doing a very fine job of running our country right into the ground without support from any of us on the Democrat side. President Bush and a Republican controlled Congress led the country to invade Iraq on the basis of contrived evidence. Even the President has admitted there was no connection between Iraq and 9/11. Our continuing occupation of Iraq is a monetary and people drain the country cannot afford and certainly cannot sustain.
Dissent is a high form of patriotism. Without dissent and the allowance of such we would have a full dictatorship. I submit the President would be much better advised to listen to the voice of the people instead of the voices of the sycophants surrounding him in Washington. Maybe then we could restore our country to its rightful place in the world as a leader instead of an example of moral turpitude.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007
End the Occupation of Iraq NOW
Write your Congressmen and let them know. All our Delaware Congressmen have been supporters of the war at various times. Congressman Castle continues to this day to support the continued occupation. This position no longer represents the will of most Delawarians and is completely opposed to what the Iraqi people wish for themselves.
End the war now. Bring our troops home alive and well. We can give our troops no finer support than to bring them home from a country that no longer desires their presence.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Draft Chris Vucovich
Find more images here at Tigana's site.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
We Cannot Win the War on Terror by Military Force
Congress continues to support the occupation of Iraq in spite of the continuing spiral of a worsening situation and more dead Americans. How long will we, the voting public, allow this to continue? What are not people outraged? Why are our Congessional members not moving to end this drain on our country? Congress continues to support the occupation and the ongoing war. When will he begin to listen to the public and to see the facts of the situation instead of continuing to play Republican politics? The health and welfare of the nation is at stake. I urge Congress to take a new and realistic stand in opposition to the war before all is lost in the end.
Iraq Is an Insurgent Training Ground
Congress continues to vote in favor of the occupation at the expense of both American lives and the American treasury. He needs to take a better look at this failing course and change his mind. The citizens of this country deserve better leadership and real representation. Let Congressman Castle know today what you think. Silence will not bring any changes. Only by letting our voices be heard loud and clear do we have any chance of bringing about a new direction for the country.
End the Occupation of Iraq Today
We need a change in this country today. We need a final timetable for full American withdrawal from Iraq. We need to replace those politicians who continue to support the war. Change cannot come soon enough. Too many have died and too much is lost. We all must work to end the war as soon as possible. No other course is acceptable any longer.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Time to Leave Iraq
As an American citizen I see the ongoing push by President Bush to equate Al Qaida and the violence in Iraq as most disconcerting. Congress continues to allow his position of supporting the war no matter the opinion of the voters. What are we to do to change this situation? How can we convince Congress that the current course is wrong and that a new direction is needed? When will Congressman begin to hear what his electorate is saying?
Experts agree the major cause of violence in Iraq is between Sunni and Shiite groups and is not a primary result of Al Qaida or any other external group. There has been no demonstrated connection between Iraq and Al Qaida in advance of the 9/11 attacks. President Bush and his Republican support team including much of the Congress can say all they wish about this situation but the facts continue to speak for themselves.
This war needs an end today. We need timetables for the withdrawal of American troops. Congress needs to take a real stand and oppose the continued funding of an endless war. The time to take that stand is today and not one day later.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Bring the Troops Home NOW!!!
As a parent I am saddened by the continuing loss of life in Iraq and Afghanistan. To date more than 4000 of our soldiers have died. Congress supports the continuing occupation of Iraq. To that end he is responsible for each and every death that occurs. I and my friends here in northern Delaware wish to see an end to the losses. Too many have died already. Congress needs to change the course and take a real stand for peace. We here in Wilmington expect to have our view represented in Washington along with the view of so many around the country. Our position is no more need be lost to the war. Bring the troops home and do so NOW before any more are let to die.
$12 Billion a Month for Iraq and Afghanistan
As a concerned citizen and community member I am distressed by the amounts of money being spent in Iraq and Afghanistan today. Current estimates put the total at about $12 billion. Congressman Castle continues to support these expenses without any measure of consideration for an end to the process. I hope for better from our Representative. We surely deserve better as citizens and voters.
I urge Congressman Castle to stop the endless spending and to support a timetable for withdrawal of all American forces from Iraq. He has stated on multiple occasions his opposition to any fixed timetable for withdrawal. That position is no longer acceptable. Congressman Castle must take a stronger stand in opposition to the ongoing war if he wishes to get my vote in any future election.
End the Endless War in Iraq
As an active community member I continue to be concerned about the effects of the ongoing war in Iraq. In the past few days we have heard news that the Iraqi government will miss all the goals for political and economic reform set by the Bush Administration. Congress continues to support the ongoing occupation in the face of increasing bad news and a failing course. I am sorely disappointed in his stance.
The time has come for a responsible plan to withdraw American troops from Iraq. We can no longer sustain a continuing presence with no end whatever in sight. The cost to our country in terms of both money and lives is just too great. I urge Congress to take a real stand for a withdrawal timetable so America can get back on course once again and cease this endless war.
We Need a Timetable for Withdrawal from Iraq
During his time in office Congressman Castle supported the Iraq invasion and now continues to support the continued occupation in spite of increasing American loss of life. Most Americans today are opposed to any continuation of the war. Congressman Castle seems not to hear that message. I urge the Congressman to change his way of thinking. To that end I as a Delaware voter urge his voting only to support continuing funding measures that include a defined timetable for withdrawal of all American forces from Iraq. Only by ending the American presence in Iraq can the Iraqis have any hope of restoring their country.
Support the Troops--Bring Them Home Alive
The continuing occupation of Iraq is a divisive matter about which few in this country fail to have an opinion on one side or the other. “Support the Troops” ribbons adorn the bumpers of many vehicles today. No matter what any of us may think of the war and its consequences, we all support the troops on the ground. Our soldiers have earned all the support we can muster. At the same time the troops deserve our opposition to the war. So long as our soldiers are kept in Iraq they remain in harms way. The very best way we can support our troops is to bring them home alive and well.
The occupation of Iraq will end only when we, the American people, let Congress and the President know of our feelings. Today we can stand in protest, we can write our Congressional representatives. We can voice our opinions. While the troops remain on station in a war zone we are not giving them our full support.
Call on Congress for Change
President Bush has a pattern of obstructing justice by refusing to permit witnesses to testify or provide evidence in oversight hearings. This obstruction of justice must be brought to an abrupt halt. Congress has the power of subpoena which is supported by multiple court decisions over the years. That Congress continues to bow to Bush’s pretentious actions is unconscionable. The time has come for Congress to take a stand and to be responsible as one part of our government.
The administration must be held accountable for all its behavior. We, the American people, have been continuously misled and lied to by President Bush and his administration. The early examples have to do with Iraq and the complete absence of any connection between Iraq and Al Qaeda or any possession of weapons of mass destruction by Iraq. The latest affair is the complete repudiation of our judicial process as evidenced by the pardoning of “Scooter“ Libby.
The time for a reverse in course is here. Congress must be held accountable by ever citizen. Write, call, or Fax your Senators and your Representatives. Let them know we will no longer sit idly by and allow our county to be destroyed by the Bush cabal. We have lost so much already. We have no more to lose.
The Time for Change has Come
Our children are dying on a daily basis in Iraq as a direct result of failed leadership in the White House and the administration. President Bush and the Republican controlled Congress led us into the invasion and subsequent occupation of Iraq on the basis of misleading information and outright misstatements of fact. The time has come for a change.
Impeachment is a legal proceeding begun by investigation in Congress. We need those investigations to begin today. Various Congressional committees have the power of subpoena. That power needs to be exercised as soon as possible to get to the truth of so much in Washington. We need to find the truth about Iraq, about the Attorney General firings, and about the Libby pardoning. The truth and only the truth will set us free.
Friday, July 06, 2007
Bring the Troops Home Now
Congress has voted time and time again to continue the occupation. The amounts of money wasted to date are nothing short of staggering. It is time to end the losses of both money and lives. To that end I urge our Senators and Congressmen to cease their support of the occupation and to vote only for those bills which contain withdrawal plans which include a definite timeline for ending the American occupation. I urge all of Congress to join the majority of Americans who today stand in opposition to the war. We deserve politicians who represent both our interests and our ideas. Continuing support of the occupation of Iraq is no longer acceptable. The time has come for real change.
Let the message ring out loud and clear. The only way to really support the troops is to bring them home alive. We have no more children to lose to this illegal and immoral occupation. Bring them home now.
Sunday, July 01, 2007
No Good News From Iraq
The American people deserve real answers to the hard questions concerning Iraq. Continuing assurances of “success” are not enough. When will there be support for those assurances? How much longer must we wait to see any progress being made. We hear on a near daily basis of increasing violence in spite of increased numbers of Americans. We need real evidence of progress based on facts or we need to withdraw from Iraq posthaste.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Too Many Are Dying for Progress in Iraq
The months of April, May, and June this year have been especially deadly in Iraq. On average more than three Americans died on each day in those months. In just two days this week 14 Americans died. All in the name of progress according to the administration. Even the fabled Green Zone is coming under increasing numbers of mortar attacks. The single most protected zone in the entire country can no longer be counted upon to be a safe place for American diplomats and workers.
How much farther must this situation deteriorate before our government begins to recognize the failure. “Progress is being made” is the continuing slogan of the Bush administration and yet the facts belie the words. When will America awaken and demand truth for a change in place of fine words with no substance? We have lost too many children and spent too much money. The time to withdraw from Iraq is now. We as a country cannot afford to spend more lives and more dollars in this failing cause.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
More Bad News From Iraq
Now at a time when we in America need some good news comes more distressing news from Iraq. Bad enough is the rating of Iraq as number two on the list of failing countries around the world. Now comes the expert opinion that Iraq is now the number 1 training ground for Jihadists. That is to say, with the American presence and the collapse of most governmental services, Iraq is now the destination of choice for terrorist trainees from may other countries. The Iraqi resistance is large enough inside the country that fighters from outside are no longer needed. Thus the training they receive in Iraq may be exported to their home country or to other places around the world.
The administration continues to say we are making progress in Iraq. What kind of progress can this be when a country is failing as a nation-state and is becoming a training ground for future terrorist acts? Is this what America invaded Iraq to accomplish? What about the War on Terror? How can that be won when we are providing the training ground for more warriors?
America must take a real stand in world affairs. This may start with full and complete withdrawal of all American forces from Iraq. Then and only then does real diplomacy and economic aid aimed at restoring the infrastructure of Iraq have any chance of success. Time is wasting. The longer we stay in Iraq the worse the conditions become and the lower the chance of real success in reversing the damage done.Accepted for publication in the local newspaper, June 19, 2007.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Another Decade in Iraq?????
General David Petraeus, the commanding officer of American forces in Iraq, is now suggesting American forces will be needed in Iraq for at least a decade for continued counter-unsurgency activity. How many Americans can we expect to lost during that time? The first four years saw losses of more than 800 per year. Are we, the American people, expected to give up another 8000 soldiers to hold a position in Iraq?
Why can our government leaders see the fallacy of continuing the occupation of Iraq. By almost any measure the occupation is failing. What must happen to bring new resolve and a different course? When will our troops be withdrawn once and for all? When will the politicians in Washington begin to listen to the will of the American people and end the fiasco that continues to be Iraq? Another decade? Let us all hope not.
More Children Killed by Coalition Forces in Afghanistan
While the news is filled with reports from Iraq and the death tolls there, news from Afghanistan is beginning to be nearly as bad. Recent reports of an attack on suspected al-Quaida militants by coalition forces did manage to kill seven children without any apparent damage to the insurgents. How much longer will we as Americans continue to support this sort of action in our names? How many innocent women and children must die before we recognize the futility of our actions in both Iraq and Afghanistan?
One could argue that we are fighting a war on terror. In that instance the facts show an opposite reaction. Terrorist attacks are on the rise throughout the world. Would we not be better as a nation and as a leader of the world acting to benefit world economics and undermining the terrorist base? Our ongoing military presence around the world offers too many convenient targets for terrorist organizations. The time has come to bring our troops home and to invest in our own nation. We can offer economic and infrastructure support around the world without being an aggressor any longer. There are no more children left to lose.
How Much is a Human Life Worth?
How does one measure the value of a human life? Can any measure of dollars and cents be accurate? According to recent reports the American government is offering as much as $2500 for the death of an Iraqi civilian as the result of coalition activity (the so-called collateral damage of war time). How much lower must our activities reach before we as a nation begin to reject the ongoing occupation of Iraq? How many lives must be bought with what has the appearance of “blood money?”
And not only are Iraqis dying, but Americans are dying daily in Iraq. How many more American lives must be sacrificed before and end to the fight is called? How many lives must be paid in this apparently losing war? In spite of all the glowing reports from the administration, the facts seem to show the occupation is failing on nearly every count. American and Iraqi death tolls are rising at near record rates. The intensity of insurgent attacks is on the rise. American death rates as compared to injury rates are rising. Basic infrastructure services such as electricity, food, and sewage are at the worst rates of all time.
The time has come to put an end to the American occupation of Iraq. Talk about a permanent occupation should be ended. The longer the American presence remains in the country, the higher will be the toll. Congress should act today to end the war and to withdraw our troops. We have no more children to lose.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Bloody May
The month of May has just ended with Memorial Day honoring our fallen troops. During the month 132 new names were added to the lists of Americans killed in Iraq making May, 2007, the third most deadly month since the invasion began. In spite of all the talk about progress and how the surge is working, Americans continue to die at increasing rates. In addition Iraqi deaths are reaching all time highs. When will this ever end? How many more must die before reason intervenes and our troops are brought home?
As we continue day by day to honor our fallen, let us remember the one best way to honor their memories is by bringing a lasting peace. We need diplomatic efforts. We need an end to the increasing military presence and the threat of more force. We cannot bring peace so long as we as a country continue to use might instead of persuasion.
Thursday, May 24, 2007
The Occupation of Iraq Must End
Three thousand, four hundred, and thirty four caskets have come home as of today as a result of the American invasion and subsequent occupation of Iraq. And still the administration continues to pursue the same failing course. More American troops. More American casualties. More American money spent. And to what end? Is there a stable government in place in Iraq? No. Is there more oil available for export from Iraq? No. Is the infrastructure of the country on the mend? No, on the contrary, much of the infrastructure has been destroyed in the ongoing war.
This must end. America cannot afford the costs in either lives or dollars let alone the diminishing world support for our actions. The new British Prime Minister promises to withdraw British troops from Iraq in a few short months. Why cannot the Bush administration do the same for Americans? Why must we continue to see the daily death counts of Americans? When will Congress see the light and end funding for the war to force a withdrawal?
Too Much Loss in Iraq
Congress has once again bowed to pressure from the Administration and allowed a large funding bill for the Iraq occupation to pass to the President. Americans in ever larger numbers are opposed to the war. We have lost more than 3400 of our soldiers. The cost is already half a trillion dollars in four year. How much more are we willing to spend before an end is called?
The election of 2006 demonstrated a desire by the American people to see a change in the direction Congress and the Administration are taking. We need to see that change become a reality. Write, call, e-mail, or Fax your Congressional representatives today. Let them know we are restless and unwilling to stay the course any longer. Our country is at stake. If we fail to correct this failing course we stand to lose all the country has meant for 200 years.
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
IED's Increase In Deadly Effect
The number of Americans killed by improvised explosive devices has nearly doubled this Spring. Almost 70% of the deaths among American forces this year were the result of such homemade devices. Improvised explosive devices (IED’s) vary from the simple (perhaps a hand grenade in a soda can) to the very sophisticated (such as multiple separate devices timed to explode simultaneously). The increased threat posed by these devices is the result of more than four years experience for the insurgency. Practice is making perfect in terms of deadly attacks while the American forces continue to stand out as targets for the practice.
We must bring out troops home and must do so very soon if we are to have any chance of ending the bloodshed. Iraq is on the verge of civil war. Our troops are so far unable to even slow the violence within the country at the same time more Americans are dying on a daily basis. Congress needs to take a stand against the President and his misguided course. We need real leadership to bring diplomatic efforts to bear. Military force has been failing for some time with no apparent success on the horizon.
Speak Up and Speak Out
The death toll in Iraq continues to rise day by day. Increasing numbers of Americans are dying as the news reports plans to increase the American force to more than 200,000 by year’s end. This increase is apparently in the planning stages and will include both extended terms for troops on the ground already and new combat units.
When will this ever end? How many Americans must die before the administration and the Congress recognize the futility of the occupation. The American invasion has brought nothing but increasing instability and decreasing functionality to Iraq. Public services are near an all time low. Oil production is a fraction of the pre-invasion levels. By any measure other than the deposing of Saddam Hussein the invasion and occupation has been a near complete failure.
Today we have the power to reverse this course but only if our voices are heard. Write or call your Congressional representatives. Join the various peace protests around the area. Write to your local newspaper editor. We, the people, own our future only if we take a stand and act to make the course the preferred one. Sitting silently by is no longer an acceptable course of action. We must speak up and speak out lest we lose our future entirely.
We Need A Balance of Power In Government Today
As if affairs in the world were not serious enough already, now comes the news that President Bush has authorized covert activity directed against Iran. For months we have heard increasing vehemence in the rhetoric directed toward the government of Iran. Diplomacy has all but been ruled out by the administration. And now the defacto war is escalating without any chance for the American public or Congress to have input into the decision. The President today continues to assume near dictatorial powers in spite of a Constitution that guarantees separation of powers. Only the Congress has the power to declare war. No such declaration has been made for either Iraq or Iran.
The time has come for this situation to change. According to law we have a democracy with three equal and separate branches of government. The continued erosion of this coequal arrangement is endangering our country. The Congress must take back its rightful place as a power in and of itself. We, the voting public, need to let our Congressional representatives know our expectations. We have every right to expect a responsible government, but we will get no such until and unless we each and every one hold our representatives accountable. We can no longer afford a country led by a President with only one course in mind.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
End the Occupation of Iraq Today
The US death toll in Iraq is rising day by day. The first six months of this year is the most deadly six month period since the start of the invasion. The administration continues to tell America that the surge is working and that progress is being made. When do we get to see that progress? How do we define progress?
Many hard questions are not being answered by either the administration or the Congress. We see increasing amounts of money being spent while the death toll grows. Iraq is a broken country as a direct result of the American invasion. Civil war has broken out in most of the country. The American presence continues to aggravate the situation and offers more opportunity for the opposition forces to target our forces. No good is being served by the continued occupation of Iraq.
Congress continues to pass funding bills that allow the administration to pursue the occupation. We voters must pressure our Congressional representatives to end this futile course. Write or call today to tell Senators Biden and Carper along with Representative Castle to vote for an end to the war. Only if they begin to hear the opposition voices do we have any hope of stopping the ongoing bloodshed. We must end this war and the sooner the better.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Attack on Iran Suggested by Bolton
The sabers continue to rattle over confrontation with Iran. John Bolton, former US Ambassador to the UN has been quoted as saying an attack on Iran is necessary. The Bush administration seems to know no bounds in the use of violence as opposed to diplomatic efforts to resolve conflict. How much longer can the American public support such a misguided course?
The war in Iraq is failing according to all reasonable measures. The country has been destroyed in large measure. The economy is in shambles. Public utilities including electricity, drinking water, sewers, and garbage collection are failing. And yet administration officials and past officials want to start another military confrontation with Iran. Can they not see the handwriting on the wall?
We must all work to end the continued escalation of violence. Diplomacy and the withdrawal of our troops from the Middle East should be tried. Such efforts were overridden in the haste to invade Iraq. We must not let the administration make a similar mistake in Iran.
Monday, May 07, 2007
Bring Accountability Back to Government
Somehow our society seems to have lost large measures of accountability, the obligation to be responsible for one’s actions. Today we see all around us people blaming others for their actions. People blame their parents. Corporate officers blame each other and the employees for company failures. Our administration puts the blame on any but themselves for the failures in Iraq.
How much longer are we going to sit still and let this happen? When will we voters awaken and hold our elected officials accountable for their actions? We see stirrings even here in our own state, but at the national level we voters seem to be forgotten. The time is here to write, call, and otherwise contact our Congressional representatives. We need to hold them accountable for their votes in Congress. We need to hold them accountable for their words at campaign and other public appearances. Without accountability in government we are in danger of being left without representation.
Sunday, May 06, 2007
How Many More Must Die?
In the month of April 104 Americans died as a result of wounds suffered in combat in Iraq. How many more must die before our President and our politicians come to realize this war is long lost? Congress continues to debate if or not to set a date for withdrawal. Every day that debate continues more soldiers die. The President vetoes a funding bill that would continue the war for months to come. And still the soldiers die on a daily basis.
Where is the outrage at this ongoing mess? When will the American public stand up and voice their anger? When will the dying end? We must not let our sons and daughters continue to lose their lives in a lost effort. We have no more children to lose.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
We, the people, are responsible
We, the people, are responsible. We, the people, continue to allow our troops to occupy Iraq. To that end we are each and every one responsible. We are responsible for every American and Iraqi death. How much more will we allow before we insist the course be changed?
The administration has begun to tout the decrease in violence in Baghdad as a result of the surge in troop numbers. The reduction is only in numbers of people murdered and fails to take into account the increased deaths from car bombs. The use of such twisted facts and half-truths has become an every day occurrence. We, the people, are responsible for accepting these lies as fact.
We, the people, must rise up against the continued violence incited by our presence in Iraq. We, the people, must demand truth from our government to replace the overt lies and the partial truths we get every day. We, the people, must take responsibility for our country and work to get back on course. We, the people, are in charge of our future only if we take action to return our country to its former greatness.
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Time for Action--Use VPI Tragedy for Base
America suffered a terrible tragedy this week with the murder of 32 people at VPI. The media frenzy is on. We are treated to constant reminders of just how and when and where so many died. At the same time the tragedy that is Iraq today continues. Every day more Iraqis die a violent death than were killed in Virginia this week. Every death in either country is a senseless loss.
What is America to do? How can we take a tragedy in our own country and make something positive from the event? I suggest we each and every one put ourselves for just a moment into the mind of the parents who just lost a child. Think how very sad their life just became. How every will those parents deal with this loss? Be angry. Be very angry.
Now turn that anger to a positive note. Think of the Iraqi mothers and fathers losing their children each and every day. Be angry. Be very angry. Turn that anger toward the administration that insists we stay the course in Iraq. If we, the American people, insist on an end to the occupation, the needless deaths will no longer be our responsibility. Until the time American troops are withdrawn from Iraq every death, every family broken is a burden put directly on our shoulders.
VPI and Iraq
This week saw the murder of 32 innocent people at Virginia Polytechnic Institute. The tragedy is unfathomable. America has too often suffered just such an event. Our collective sympathy is due the parents and friends of the dead and wounded. We must stand in their support as the healing begins.
And yet in the midst of our suffering and mourning we should not lose sight of the continued events in Iraq. The Iraqis suffer a loss equal or greater than the loss at VPI every single day. How can we turn the American tragedy into a lesson for all the world to see? We suffer today in our country and we tend to overlook the suffering around the world. What can we do as a country to resolve this problem?
We can offer our sympathy to the Iraqis just as we offer our sympathy to each other in our time of tragedy. What about more support? How many Americans are willing to put themselves into the mindset of an Iraqi mother or father who just lost a son or a daughter? How would we react if we suffered these losses each and every day in our own country? We as a nation must ponder this issue lest we lose sight of the ideals upon which our country was founded.
Monday, April 09, 2007
Baghdad Fell Four Years Ago
The fall of Baghdad was celebrated just four short years ago. What do we have to show for that victory today? More than 3200 American soldiers have died. The Iraqis suffer daily without electricity, plumbing, or drinking water. School attendance is far down compared to pre-Saddam days. Uncounted thousands of Iraqis are either dead or have fled the country. Civil war seems to be well on the way.
How much more must we lose before we recognize this failing course? Americans are dying daily. Billions of dollars are being spent. The time has come to withdraw. We have no more troops to waste. The money being spent in Iraq would be put to better use here at home.
Contact your Senators and Representatives. Tell them the time is now to end the occupation and bring our troops home. Tell them we wish to spend no more money other than that required for withdrawal. Together we can make a difference. Together we can change this failing course.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Contrary to administration claims, the situation in Iraq shows no real sign of lessening tensions or greater security in spite of a massive US push into Baghdad. In fact the death rate for Iraqis is some 15% higher last month than before the surge began. American casualties remain relatively stable over the first three months of 2007 at more than 80 killed per month. When we will ever see any real progress? Is progress even possible?
The invasion and subsequent occupation of Iraq were illegal acts that have cost the US more money and more lost lives than we can ever afford. The time has come to protest loudly and end this fiasco. The Congress is home for Easter recess. We have a chance to let our Congressional representatives know how we feel before the next spending bill can be finalized. Another $100 billion is requested. I suggest we just say “NO.” No more funding for this occupation except that necessary to bring our troops home. No continuing monies for the occupation of Iraq whatsoever.
Tell Your Congress Critters--NO MORE WAR
Congress has begun their Easter vacation without finalizing a spending bill for supplemental funding in Iraq. As might be expected the Pentagon has begun the scare tactics with warnings about spending delays affecting troop rotations, training, and readiness. This sort of propaganda just won't fly in the face of the facts. The pentagon has in its budget plenty of money to continue any activity already planned until well into May or even later. No expected delay in the current funding is going to affect any troops on the ground.
The issue at hand is benchmarks within the bill requiring signs of progress in Iraq in order for the American occupation to continue. Finally we are seeing signs of a Congress listening to the will of the people. The time has come to end the American occupation of Iraq. If a supplemental spending bill must be passed, then limits on future monies are appropriate. Our troops should not stay one day longer in Iraq than required for withdrawal, but that seems not to be the will of the Congress and certainly is not the will of the President.
Perhaps if every eligible voter rose in opposition to ongoing funding of the occupation we'd see an end to the loss of American lives. The time to tell your Congressional representatives your opinion is here. They are home for the Easter recess. There is no better time than the present to tell them NO MORE WAR.
WH Threatens Spending Bill Veto
The rhetoric from the White House is mounting with accusations of "failing to fund the troops" aimed at Congressional Democrats. Congress has in fact voted to spend over a hundred billion dollars on the war. That appropriation includes modern body armor, better armored vehicles, and improved health care for returning veterans. To date the President has been given every cent he asked for, and then some. Bush's threatened veto of the current spending bill based on benchmarks for progress in Iraq is one more example of poor judgment on his part.
The President should heed the advice of his own Secretary of Defense. Robert Gates says benchmarks may actually encourage the Iraqi government to take more responsibility for its own defense. The President's approach is to continue the current failed policy. Why not give an alternative a chance to work? Congress has a clear mandate from the voters for just such a change of direction in Iraq. The President should not be insisting on yet another blank check, and support that alternative.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Iraq a "Remarkable Achievement"--Dick Cheney
On a recent world tour Vice-President Cheney championed the Iraq War as a “remarkable achievement.” Such positive talk flies in the face of the facts on the ground. Americans and Iraqis are dying daily. Children are not being allowed to attend school in those places where schools even exist. Power shortages and outages are a daily affair. Gasoline shortages are common. Oil production is down compared to pre-invasion times. Yes, the achievement is remarkable if one considers abject failure the goal.
There is no military solution to be had in Iraq. The facts of the invasion show only a failing course. We must bring our troops home and the sooner the better. The longer we continue to occupy Iraq the higher will be the costs. We as a country should no longer support this level “achievement.”
Bring the Troops Home Alive
Current costs for the occupation of Iraq exceed $200 million per day. For that expenditure we get increasing numbers of American dead, increasing numbers of American wounded, a country on the brink of civil war, and an ongoing burden with no end in sight. In Iraq fewer than 30 percent of children attended school in 2006 compared to nearly 100 percent attendance before the invasion. Oil production is reduced from pre-invasion levels. As many as 3000 Iraqis are leaving the country daily leading to a new refugee crisis in the world. Is the ongoing occupation really worth our expense? Are we getting any piece of real value for our investment?
In spite of repeated assurances to the contrary, the occupation is not going well. By all measures our occupation of Iraq is failing. The people wish our forces would withdraw. America can ill afford the costs in both lives and dollars. The time has come to recognize our failure and bring our troops home. There is no greater way to support the troops than to have them brought home alive and well.
Iraq is Breeding Terrorism
President Bush has said on more than one occasion, “We are fighting the terrorists over there to prevent them from coming over here.” And yet the government has offered no direct evidence that any such prevention is occurring. Are we in fact safer today as a result of the invasion of Iraq?
According to a recent study by faculty members of the NY University School of Law here, the incidence of terrorist attacks outside Iraq and Afghanistan have increased more than 35 percent since the day of the invasion of Iraq. If the attacks inside Iraq and Afghanistan are added to the total, the increase is near seven fold (635 percent). The evidence is clear. The invasion of Iraq it would seem increased the likelihood of a terrorist attack if the data are to be believed.
As the evidence of failure in Iraq mounts we see increasing evidence of an overall failure of the war on terror. The time has come to insist upon a new course. We have no more lives to lose. Congress must insist on withdrawal from Iraq before any more of our troops die. Then we can seek a new approach to countering terrorism.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
The Surge is Already Failing
Disastrous Consequences in Iraq
In a recent news conference President Bush warns of “disastrous consequences” in Iraq if the American military is withdrawn. How much more of a disaster could there be? Civil war is underway between Sunni and Shia elements in most parts of the country. School attendance is down to 30% or so as parents fear letting children leave the house. Electricity and oil production are each well below pre-invasion levels. The Iraqi economy is in shambles with unemployment running at all time highs.
Is Iraq Worth the Costs?
Was it worth the cost? Each of us should be asking ourselves that question when we think about Iraq and all we have spent in that invasion and occupation. More than 3000 soldiers are dead. Untold billions of dollars have been spent. The monetary cost continues to escalate at a rate of many millions per day. Our military is stretched to the breaking point. We have given up much of our personal freedom in this country to a “War on Terror.” Was Iraq worth this cost to America? What have we gained to make the costs worthwhile? Are we more safe in our world today than four years ago when the invasion of Iraq began?
I would argue there is little or no merit whatsoever to either the invasion or the subsequent occupation of Iraq. We have gained no new oil reserves. Saddam Hussein no longer rules, but he had become a toothless tiger by the time of his downfall. The longer we maintain a force in Iraq, the higher the costs rise. The time has come to withdraw. The time has come to bring our troops home before any more are lost. Otherwise the cost will be far too high.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
The State of Disunion Address Sickens Me
Rare indeed is the time when President Bush and I agree. Today I am angry as can be. “This is not the fight we entered in Iraq,” says he in the State of the Union Address. And right he is. There was no fight in Iraq when we entered. We were the schoolyard bully who attacked a country without provocation. We started this war. We destroyed the economy and the infrastructure of Iraq. We Americans lost the respect of the world thanks to our illegal actions in Iraq. And to hear the President make our actions into something of which to be proud just sickens me.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Reconstruction Failing in Iraq
In recent letters to the editor readers suggested the media should report all the positive events in Iraq as well as the negative ones. Positive aspects are difficult to find in a country where recent estimates put the number of children in school as low as 35% of eligible children. In Baghdad, the capital city of Iraq, electricity supplies remain lower than before the invasion. Surveys put availability of clean water as low as 53% across the country. Untreated sewage continues to pollute the Euphrates River due to malfunctioning treatment plants and ruptured sewer lines.
While one might argue there are improvements being made, the progress to date has been small. Most of the current reconstruction effort is the result of damage done by American destruction of the infrastructure. As much as half the funds allocated for reconstruction are consumed by overhead costs. Reconstruction efforts are hampered in large measure by the lack of stability in the region.
The solution to these issues is not at all obvious. A military presence seems to aggravate rather than to resolve the issues of a failing country. Perhaps the solution is removal of the American military and the provision of support so the Iraqis can rebuild their own country. We Americans seem to be spending inordinate amounts of money for a failing enterprise.
The Morass In Iraq Continues
After four years of fighting in Iraq, the President proposes sending an additional 20,000 troops to secure Baghdad. Just to secure Baghdad and to offer nothing more. How far we have come in this morass. A military victory in Iraq must be out of our reach when the major goal of increased troop numbers is increased security in a single city.
The blame increasingly is laid on the Iraqis. They are said to not be doing enough. They are blamed in every way possible for the failure of the American occupation. No one bothers to look at the destruction and violence brought to Iraq by the American forces. We are hated as invaders by the Iraqi people as a whole. A majority of Iraqis today wish the Americans to leave the country. How can anyone expect support in terms of military involvement when the force to be supported is so despised.
The only solution is military withdrawal. Then and only then can diplomatic efforts be instituted to allow the Iraqi people a chance to resolve their internal problems. With adequate support in rebuilding a damaged infrastructure, peace may at least have a chance. With the continuing occupation the only chance is for increasing violence.Sunday, January 07, 2007
Urge Biden to Oppose Funding for Iraq
Congress is about to be presented with another supplemental request for military spending. Rumor has this request in the $100 billion range. At the rate of $800million per day in Iraq, that is only about a 4 month supply for the Pentagon. When will this process end? Senator Biden said recently he is opposed to any troop surge in Iraq and yet at every turn he votes to support the increasing expenditures for the occupation of Iraq. As a longtime member of the Senate Biden must know the President acting as commander-in-chief controls troop deployments. The Congress is responsible for appropriating monies to fund the military.
With the country on an increasing debt course the responsible position is not only opposition to the troop surge, but opposition to any future supplemental requests for Iraq. Senator Biden in the past has voted in favor of every supplemental spending bill to reach the Senate floor. Now is the time for a change. Beyond a simple message of opposition we must ask that Senator Biden vote against any further expenditures for Iraq beyond what is necessary for an American withdrawal. Senatory Bidens words are worthless without supportive action.
Biden Opposes Troop Surge at Last
In an Sunday perspective article, Senator Biden adds his voice to the growing clamor against a troop surge in Iraq. Such opposition from the Senator has been a long time coming, but is indeed a welcome move. The current situation in Iraq is untenable. Any increase in American troop strength is likely to only provide additional American targets and increase the numbers of our dead troops rather than bringing any real solution to the problem.
The real solution to Iraq lies in American withdrawal. Many have said the Iraqis must find their own political settlement. Such a settlement is near impossible with an American presence in the country. Senator Biden was careful to avoid suggesting any such solution in Iraq. He was also careful to avoid suggesting the Senate stop funding the war. Only by ending the money support for the occupation can the Senate hope to stop any troop surge proposed by the President. Senator Biden must strengthen his stand and act to oppose any further monies for the Iraq occupation. Otherwise words remain cheap indeed.