Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The Surge is Already Failing

The surge is on. More American troops are being sent to Iraq every day. Accompanying the increased numbers of troops is increasing violence within the country. American deaths are occurring at a rate of more than three per day. Bomb attacks against civilians are being reported at an ever-increasing rate. More helicopters have been downed by enemy fire in the first two months of this year than in any other period in the entire war.

How much longer are we, the American public, willing to stand for this deteriorating condition. Why should we believe any surge of troop numbers will lead to a better situation in Iraq. Each previous increase in the American presence has led to more American deaths. We see the same occurrence so far this month. We must insist on an immediate end to this fiasco. We have no more children to lose. Call and write your Congressmen. Let them know we will no longer stand for this ongoing misery. The sooner withdrawal of all American troops is accomplished the better for all concerned.

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