Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Support the Troops--Bring Them Home Alive

The continuing occupation of Iraq is a divisive matter about which few in this country fail to have an opinion on one side or the other. “Support the Troops” ribbons adorn the bumpers of many vehicles today. No matter what any of us may think of the war and its consequences, we all support the troops on the ground. Our soldiers have earned all the support we can muster. At the same time the troops deserve our opposition to the war. So long as our soldiers are kept in Iraq they remain in harms way. The very best way we can support our troops is to bring them home alive and well.

The occupation of Iraq will end only when we, the American people, let Congress and the President know of our feelings. Today we can stand in protest, we can write our Congressional representatives. We can voice our opinions. While the troops remain on station in a war zone we are not giving them our full support.

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