How does one measure the value of a human life? Can any measure of dollars and cents be accurate? According to recent reports the American government is offering as much as $2500 for the death of an Iraqi civilian as the result of coalition activity (the so-called collateral damage of war time). How much lower must our activities reach before we as a nation begin to reject the ongoing occupation of Iraq? How many lives must be bought with what has the appearance of “blood money?”
And not only are Iraqis dying, but Americans are dying daily in Iraq. How many more American lives must be sacrificed before and end to the fight is called? How many lives must be paid in this apparently losing war? In spite of all the glowing reports from the administration, the facts seem to show the occupation is failing on nearly every count. American and Iraqi death tolls are rising at near record rates. The intensity of insurgent attacks is on the rise. American death rates as compared to injury rates are rising. Basic infrastructure services such as electricity, food, and sewage are at the worst rates of all time.
The time has come to put an end to the American occupation of Iraq. Talk about a permanent occupation should be ended. The longer the American presence remains in the country, the higher will be the toll. Congress should act today to end the war and to withdraw our troops. We have no more children to lose.
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