Current costs for the occupation of Iraq exceed $200 million per day. For that expenditure we get increasing numbers of American dead, increasing numbers of American wounded, a country on the brink of civil war, and an ongoing burden with no end in sight. In Iraq fewer than 30 percent of children attended school in 2006 compared to nearly 100 percent attendance before the invasion. Oil production is reduced from pre-invasion levels. As many as 3000 Iraqis are leaving the country daily leading to a new refugee crisis in the world. Is the ongoing occupation really worth our expense? Are we getting any piece of real value for our investment?
In spite of repeated assurances to the contrary, the occupation is not going well. By all measures our occupation of Iraq is failing. The people wish our forces would withdraw. America can ill afford the costs in both lives and dollars. The time has come to recognize our failure and bring our troops home. There is no greater way to support the troops than to have them brought home alive and well.
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