As if affairs in the world were not serious enough already, now comes the news that President Bush has authorized covert activity directed against Iran. For months we have heard increasing vehemence in the rhetoric directed toward the government of Iran. Diplomacy has all but been ruled out by the administration. And now the defacto war is escalating without any chance for the American public or Congress to have input into the decision. The President today continues to assume near dictatorial powers in spite of a Constitution that guarantees separation of powers. Only the Congress has the power to declare war. No such declaration has been made for either Iraq or Iran.
The time has come for this situation to change. According to law we have a democracy with three equal and separate branches of government. The continued erosion of this coequal arrangement is endangering our country. The Congress must take back its rightful place as a power in and of itself. We, the voting public, need to let our Congressional representatives know our expectations. We have every right to expect a responsible government, but we will get no such until and unless we each and every one hold our representatives accountable. We can no longer afford a country led by a President with only one course in mind.
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