Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The State of Disunion Address Sickens Me

Rare indeed is the time when President Bush and I agree. Today I am angry as can be. “This is not the fight we entered in Iraq,” says he in the State of the Union Address. And right he is. There was no fight in Iraq when we entered. We were the schoolyard bully who attacked a country without provocation. We started this war. We destroyed the economy and the infrastructure of Iraq. We Americans lost the respect of the world thanks to our illegal actions in Iraq. And to hear the President make our actions into something of which to be proud just sickens me.

We as a country must change course. The President no longer speaks for a majority of Americans. His course continues to fail in Iraq while we pour money and lives into the effort. The time is here for Congress to take a real stand and follow the will of the American people. We cannot afford either more money or more lives in the lost cause that is Iraq.

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