Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Is Iraq Worth the Costs?

Was it worth the cost? Each of us should be asking ourselves that question when we think about Iraq and all we have spent in that invasion and occupation. More than 3000 soldiers are dead. Untold billions of dollars have been spent. The monetary cost continues to escalate at a rate of many millions per day. Our military is stretched to the breaking point. We have given up much of our personal freedom in this country to a “War on Terror.” Was Iraq worth this cost to America? What have we gained to make the costs worthwhile? Are we more safe in our world today than four years ago when the invasion of Iraq began?

I would argue there is little or no merit whatsoever to either the invasion or the subsequent occupation of Iraq. We have gained no new oil reserves. Saddam Hussein no longer rules, but he had become a toothless tiger by the time of his downfall. The longer we maintain a force in Iraq, the higher the costs rise. The time has come to withdraw. The time has come to bring our troops home before any more are lost. Otherwise the cost will be far too high.

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