Saturday, June 24, 2006

Staying the course

On his return from Iraq a few short weeks ago President Bush assured the nation he was filled with resolve to “stay the course.” What course one might ask? The current course in Iraq crosses dangerous territory. Sure some important figures in the old Iraq regime and in the current insurgency are either dead or in prison cells. At what cost? By staying the course we have more than 2500 dead American soldiers and thousands more too severely wounded to return to duty. By staying the course we are spending untold billions of dollars that could well be put to use in our country. Staying the course continues to lose respect from the world community. Staying the course generates new resistance among the Iraqi people on a daily basis.

How much longer will we just stay the course? The ongoing occupation of
Iraq is much too expensive in both dollars and lives. We need to plot a new course. We, the people of this United States, can help set a new direction by speaking up and expressing our views. Staying the current course is no longer acceptable.


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