Thursday, June 29, 2006
President's actions ruled illegal one more time
The core of this decision goes back to the responsibility of Congress to approve any such action. Independent action of this sort is not included in the Constitutional duties and responsibilities of an American President. The Executive branch as headed by the President is empowered to enforce laws passed by the Legislative branch (the Congress). When are both the administration and the Congress going to awaken and shoulder their individual responsibilities. Today what we have is ongoing consolidation of power under the Executive branch without real regard to the law. The current Supreme Court ruling is a fine step in the direction of ending such overstepping.
Maybe one day we will find our Constitutional government back at the forefront. Hope does spring eternal.
Patriotism thoughts
In my own opinion patriotism is best lived and not worn as an outward and exuberant demonstration. The very folk who feel they need to show public fervor are the ones who seem least likely to me to be true patriots.
Just one opinion among many I suspect.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
The Democrats Blow it again--Helen Thomas
Democrats could blow it again
By Helen ThomasPublished 12:01 am PDT Sunday, June 25, 2006
WASHINGTON -- When are the Democrats going to get their act together? Surely, they are not going to let President Bush's political guru, Karl Rove, snooker them in the midterm November election campaign as he did in the last two presidential elections.
What is he going to pull out of the hat? Soft on terrorism? Gay marriage? Flag burning? 9-11? Are the Democrats going to be such easy prey again, neutralized by phony wedge issues and neglectful of the real issue, which is the administration's flagrant use of falsehoods to justify a war of choice? It could happen again. The leaderless Democrats, speaking in a cacophony, are being outgunned by the conservatives and members of their own party representing the Democratic Leadership Council who are at heart "Republican lite."
The Democrats should campaign on the slogan "It's the war, stupid." Do any of them have the courage to take a stand on the Iraqi quagmire?
There are a handful, including Rep. John Murtha, D-Pa., a Vietnam veteran who is calling for a speedy U.S. pullout from Iraq.
He also took a swipe at Rove on NBC's "Meet the Press" Sunday for pushing the war while "sitting in his big air-conditioned office on his big, fat backside, saying 'Stay the course.' "
He was responding to Rove's speech in New Hampshire last week in which Rove attacked Democrats for what he called "that party's old pattern of cutting and running."
Rove -- who prides himself on being a history buff -- obviously did not remember when President Gerald Ford ordered American troops out of Vietnam in April 1975. They departed -- some clinging by their fingertips to helicopters -- as North Vietnamese forces advanced on Saigon.
At that time Ford said at Tulane University: "We, of course, are saddened indeed by the events in Indochina.
But these events, tragic as they are, portend neither the end of the world nor of America's leadership in the world."
Summing up, he added: "The fate of responsible men and women everywhere, (meaning the South Vietnamese) rests in their own hands, not in ours."
Polls show that the American people -- including many Republicans -- are beginning to turn against the war.
In addition to an endless war for no known American objective, there are a host of other issues that Democrats should embrace to hit home to every American. They could shout from the rooftops against the chipping away at the Bill of Rights and expansion of presidential power.
President Bush has asserted the right to wiretap and eavesdrop on any American without a warrant in the name of fighting terrorism. He has asserted presidential power beyond stated constitutional rights and there is no Republican gutsy enough to call his hand.
The Bush administration also has detained hundreds of suspected terrorists in limbo without charges or trials.
And then there are the shameful alleged secret prisons abroad where prisoners may be subjected to torture under interrogation.
The fact that millions of Americans lack health insurance is a theme that Democrats should campaign on. The Democrats should support universal health care. When the Bush administration lays down the law in the prescription drug program that drug prices are not negotiable, who is it working for? Another rich target for Democrats: Bush and the Republican Congress cut taxes for the richest people in the country while fighting to keep the 10-year-old minimum wage at $5.15 cents.
Former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards, D-N.C., said last week that the "divide between rich and poor in this country has reached outrageous proportions." He urged passage of Massachusetts Sen.
Edward Kennedy's bill to raise the minimum wage to $7.25 an hour in three stages.
And how about the cuts in homeland security funding for vulnerable New York and Washington? The Democrats could also hit upon our diminished image around the world and loss of credibility.
As President Bush prepared to visit Europe this week, Die Zeit, a German weekly, declared that Americans have "lost their moral credibility in Iraq."
The newspaper also said "America's entire Iraq policy is out of control."That's what the Democrats should be saying
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
More Flag Burning rant
As a veteran of VietNam I feel strongly about the protection of freedom of speech in addition to feeling strongly about the flag and everything represented by those stars and stripes. Many a good person has fought and died for the principles of truth, justice, and freedom for all embodied in our flag.
Burning the flag as a demonstration of protest seems to me a reasonable part of the freedoms symbolized by the flag. Freedom of speech and freedom of assembly are integral to the founding principles of this country.
Our Constitution has stood steady and strong for more than 200 years with little need for tinkering. The current flag burning outcry is nothing more than a political ploy to keep the American attention turned from truly major issues. This amendment needs to be stopped before any more time or energy is wasted in its consideration.
Pay raise time again for the Congress
With the enormous costs of the Iraq occupation and the increasing deficit let alone the perceived poor performance of our Congress, a pay raise this budget year unconscionable. Automatic pay raises are not the norm in American business under most circumstances. Most Americans canot expect any such raise without a performance review for sure.
In past years Congressional action has led to foregoing the pay raise. Some members of Congress voluntarily pass up the raises at some points in time. In the circumstance of this year the best approach seems to pass the raise for every one of the current Congressional members. Maybe in the future if the performance is seen to be better raises could be instituted once again. Any automatic pay raise without some degree of responsibility to the public interest is intolerable and should be ended once and for all.
The outlaw President on a roll
So many examples of blatantly illegal activity have been admitted to by President Bush in recent times. Yet every admission is greeted by a ho-hum attitude from the Congress instead of the impeachment proceedings that are so well deserved. When will Congress find its backbone again?
I truly fear for the future of our country. So much damage has been done to our standing both internally and in the world community in the past few years. Generations of real effort will be necessary to reverse this downward spiral. The sooner we get to work the better for me.
Ours is a country founded on principles of freedom and justice for all, not just for the wealthy and the heck with the poor. Our freedoms are being taken away in wholesale quantities by the Patriot Act and various illegal spying activities. The internet is under attack and in real danger of becoming another commercial venture in which freedom of thought and expression once again may be subverted.
Where will all this end? What do we do other than sit around and worry? We take action, that is what. We cannot afford to sit quietly in our comfortable homes and let this happen around us. We have a societal obligation to work for the benefit of the country more than to the benefit of the wealthy and powerful few.
Monday, June 26, 2006
The Flag Burning Decoy
The Senate is considering a constitutional amendment to ban flag burning. In the meantime
The neo-conservatives have been very successful in recent years. Power is highly centralized within the executive branch. Two major wars have been started with at best questionable intelligence. The Supreme Court has two conservative justices recently installed. Multiple bills have passed to the detriment of the country including No Child Left Behind (better known as Leave No Child a Dime), the Patriot Act (or the death of the First Amendment Act), the Medicare Drug Bill (an aid package for big drug companies), the Clear Skies Initiative (clearing the way to increased air pollution by major contributors), and the Healthy Forests Act (clearing the way to clearcut more of our national forests). In addition to all this we see tax cuts for the richest of our nation along with the highest deficits in history.
The neo-conservative element has been very successful in their plan. The nation is suffering heavily from their success. The time for a turnaround is here. Our Congressional members need to take a stand and regain their fair place in the government. We, the voting public, can take to the streets and to the polls to insure we replace elected officials who fail to exercise their proper power. We need to keep on talking to our friends, our neighbors, and all who are near enough to hear. We can blog, we can e-mail, we can phone. Any means is legitimate. The anger is simmering. We need to bring this pot to a full boil.Sunday, June 25, 2006
We Must All Take Action
The occupation continues in
At the same time we see increasing amounts of resistance to the war. Hundreds of American military personnel are now living in
Each of us has the ability to act to stop the downward spiral. We can write to our Congressional representatives. We can write to our local newspapers. We can join our local anti-war organizations. We can start a blog or contribute to one already working. In lieu of action we can donate money to the groups that are being proactive.
What are you doing today to end the morass and to bring our troops home before any more die and before any more are driven to serious crime in the name of war? Inaction is intolerable. Inaction brings only increasing responsibility for the ills created by the continuation of the occupation.
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Freedom of Speech 1
More on this subject in future days I am certain. For today,
Freedom of speech is a founding principle of our country. Censorship in its broadest forms is not acceptable in
Today we see increasing suppression of free speech in the name of “national security.” Journalists report being prevented from reporting truth or facts that are critical of the current administration. In fact one may notice mainstream journalists in
A degree of self-censorship is legitimate if one is a juror, an employee of a legal professional during litigation. Certainly self-censorship is appropriate when one refrains from making obviously false or mailicious statements, refraining from libel or slander, or violating a trust. As citizen journalists commenting on the world at large, we have an obligation to refrain from inciting violence.
Even so when all is said and done we keep an individual responsibility to speak up and share our thoughts. Free and open discourse is a founding principle of our country we must not let wither on the vine of either government interference or citizen disuse.
Take a chance today! Write that letter to the editor. Steal words from this blog if you wish. Feel free!
PC Manners and the Occupation of Iraq
Political Correctness manners are most often ascribed to liberals, not conservatives. Back in the old days of the 60’s and 70’s we liberals managed to stop the more conservative among us (read that Republican in large manner in those days) to stop using a variety of racial and other degrading epithets in the name of PC. Today the shoe seems to be on the other foot.
Today we have a “War in
What we have today is really an occupation (once again the obfuscation comes into play) of a nation which never caused us any harm and never had weapons of mass destruction. What
The connection of the so called War on Terror with the Occupation of Iraq was deliberate political ploy by the Bush administration. All the outrage over 9/11 was purposely directed toward Saddam Hussein, who in fact had nothing to do with the event. Scapegoats surely are useful sometimes.
Silence is no longer acceptable
From several days ago, the thoughts of that day.
Violence begets violence. The descending spiral is very difficult to interrupt. We see examples of such descent in
Why are we surprised by this news? On the other hand why are we not one and all so outraged that we insist on an end to this war and bring our troops home? So long as we the public remain silent the violence will continue to escalate. We must speak up and speak out lest we lose our moral standing altogether. Silence is no longer acceptable.
Staying the course
How much longer will we just stay the course? The ongoing occupation of
Moral Authority
Today the American military finds itself in a impossible in
Recent news reports told of a pregnant woman shot to death at a checkpoint. This comes on the heels of increasing numbers of similar reports in addition to the Haditha massacre. How much longer can this continue before the moral outrage of
It is all about the numbers.
Could not have said it any better myself. The following is from mcjoan on DailyKos,
-----start quote-----------------
It's a number. Not quite 2,500, but just as significant.
BAGHDAD, Iraq - Sunni groups complained Saturday that one of their top religious leaders was detained by American troops in Tikrit for several hours, while the U.S. military said three soldiers from the same division were killed in separate incidents.
The deaths of the three soldiers from the Multi-National Division in
A soldier was killed Saturday by a bomb during a foot patrol south of
Some other numbers to ponder: 2,516 American soldiers dead; 91 journalists dead; 42,889 Iraqi citizens confirmed dead, by one estimate; $320billion spent so far, and to what end? Because the end is what we have to be talking about now.
The clear reality is that there is not a plan for an end. "Stay the course" is not a coherent plan. "We'll stand down when they stand up" is not a plan, it's a soundbite. Staying in
The 2,516 deserve better than that, as do we all.
-------------end quote----------
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Thursday thoughts
Wake up, folks. Time is short. We need to stop this ongoing destruction of the American way. Unless we get busy and get active we stand to lose all we have built over the past 200 years.