Monday, July 30, 2007
Thursday, July 19, 2007
End the Occupation of Iraq NOW
Write your Congressmen and let them know. All our Delaware Congressmen have been supporters of the war at various times. Congressman Castle continues to this day to support the continued occupation. This position no longer represents the will of most Delawarians and is completely opposed to what the Iraqi people wish for themselves.
End the war now. Bring our troops home alive and well. We can give our troops no finer support than to bring them home from a country that no longer desires their presence.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Draft Chris Vucovich
Find more images here at Tigana's site.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
We Cannot Win the War on Terror by Military Force
Congress continues to support the occupation of Iraq in spite of the continuing spiral of a worsening situation and more dead Americans. How long will we, the voting public, allow this to continue? What are not people outraged? Why are our Congessional members not moving to end this drain on our country? Congress continues to support the occupation and the ongoing war. When will he begin to listen to the public and to see the facts of the situation instead of continuing to play Republican politics? The health and welfare of the nation is at stake. I urge Congress to take a new and realistic stand in opposition to the war before all is lost in the end.
Iraq Is an Insurgent Training Ground
Congress continues to vote in favor of the occupation at the expense of both American lives and the American treasury. He needs to take a better look at this failing course and change his mind. The citizens of this country deserve better leadership and real representation. Let Congressman Castle know today what you think. Silence will not bring any changes. Only by letting our voices be heard loud and clear do we have any chance of bringing about a new direction for the country.
End the Occupation of Iraq Today
We need a change in this country today. We need a final timetable for full American withdrawal from Iraq. We need to replace those politicians who continue to support the war. Change cannot come soon enough. Too many have died and too much is lost. We all must work to end the war as soon as possible. No other course is acceptable any longer.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Time to Leave Iraq
As an American citizen I see the ongoing push by President Bush to equate Al Qaida and the violence in Iraq as most disconcerting. Congress continues to allow his position of supporting the war no matter the opinion of the voters. What are we to do to change this situation? How can we convince Congress that the current course is wrong and that a new direction is needed? When will Congressman begin to hear what his electorate is saying?
Experts agree the major cause of violence in Iraq is between Sunni and Shiite groups and is not a primary result of Al Qaida or any other external group. There has been no demonstrated connection between Iraq and Al Qaida in advance of the 9/11 attacks. President Bush and his Republican support team including much of the Congress can say all they wish about this situation but the facts continue to speak for themselves.
This war needs an end today. We need timetables for the withdrawal of American troops. Congress needs to take a real stand and oppose the continued funding of an endless war. The time to take that stand is today and not one day later.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Bring the Troops Home NOW!!!
As a parent I am saddened by the continuing loss of life in Iraq and Afghanistan. To date more than 4000 of our soldiers have died. Congress supports the continuing occupation of Iraq. To that end he is responsible for each and every death that occurs. I and my friends here in northern Delaware wish to see an end to the losses. Too many have died already. Congress needs to change the course and take a real stand for peace. We here in Wilmington expect to have our view represented in Washington along with the view of so many around the country. Our position is no more need be lost to the war. Bring the troops home and do so NOW before any more are let to die.
$12 Billion a Month for Iraq and Afghanistan
As a concerned citizen and community member I am distressed by the amounts of money being spent in Iraq and Afghanistan today. Current estimates put the total at about $12 billion. Congressman Castle continues to support these expenses without any measure of consideration for an end to the process. I hope for better from our Representative. We surely deserve better as citizens and voters.
I urge Congressman Castle to stop the endless spending and to support a timetable for withdrawal of all American forces from Iraq. He has stated on multiple occasions his opposition to any fixed timetable for withdrawal. That position is no longer acceptable. Congressman Castle must take a stronger stand in opposition to the ongoing war if he wishes to get my vote in any future election.
End the Endless War in Iraq
As an active community member I continue to be concerned about the effects of the ongoing war in Iraq. In the past few days we have heard news that the Iraqi government will miss all the goals for political and economic reform set by the Bush Administration. Congress continues to support the ongoing occupation in the face of increasing bad news and a failing course. I am sorely disappointed in his stance.
The time has come for a responsible plan to withdraw American troops from Iraq. We can no longer sustain a continuing presence with no end whatever in sight. The cost to our country in terms of both money and lives is just too great. I urge Congress to take a real stand for a withdrawal timetable so America can get back on course once again and cease this endless war.
We Need a Timetable for Withdrawal from Iraq
During his time in office Congressman Castle supported the Iraq invasion and now continues to support the continued occupation in spite of increasing American loss of life. Most Americans today are opposed to any continuation of the war. Congressman Castle seems not to hear that message. I urge the Congressman to change his way of thinking. To that end I as a Delaware voter urge his voting only to support continuing funding measures that include a defined timetable for withdrawal of all American forces from Iraq. Only by ending the American presence in Iraq can the Iraqis have any hope of restoring their country.
Support the Troops--Bring Them Home Alive
The continuing occupation of Iraq is a divisive matter about which few in this country fail to have an opinion on one side or the other. “Support the Troops” ribbons adorn the bumpers of many vehicles today. No matter what any of us may think of the war and its consequences, we all support the troops on the ground. Our soldiers have earned all the support we can muster. At the same time the troops deserve our opposition to the war. So long as our soldiers are kept in Iraq they remain in harms way. The very best way we can support our troops is to bring them home alive and well.
The occupation of Iraq will end only when we, the American people, let Congress and the President know of our feelings. Today we can stand in protest, we can write our Congressional representatives. We can voice our opinions. While the troops remain on station in a war zone we are not giving them our full support.
Call on Congress for Change
President Bush has a pattern of obstructing justice by refusing to permit witnesses to testify or provide evidence in oversight hearings. This obstruction of justice must be brought to an abrupt halt. Congress has the power of subpoena which is supported by multiple court decisions over the years. That Congress continues to bow to Bush’s pretentious actions is unconscionable. The time has come for Congress to take a stand and to be responsible as one part of our government.
The administration must be held accountable for all its behavior. We, the American people, have been continuously misled and lied to by President Bush and his administration. The early examples have to do with Iraq and the complete absence of any connection between Iraq and Al Qaeda or any possession of weapons of mass destruction by Iraq. The latest affair is the complete repudiation of our judicial process as evidenced by the pardoning of “Scooter“ Libby.
The time for a reverse in course is here. Congress must be held accountable by ever citizen. Write, call, or Fax your Senators and your Representatives. Let them know we will no longer sit idly by and allow our county to be destroyed by the Bush cabal. We have lost so much already. We have no more to lose.
The Time for Change has Come
Our children are dying on a daily basis in Iraq as a direct result of failed leadership in the White House and the administration. President Bush and the Republican controlled Congress led us into the invasion and subsequent occupation of Iraq on the basis of misleading information and outright misstatements of fact. The time has come for a change.
Impeachment is a legal proceeding begun by investigation in Congress. We need those investigations to begin today. Various Congressional committees have the power of subpoena. That power needs to be exercised as soon as possible to get to the truth of so much in Washington. We need to find the truth about Iraq, about the Attorney General firings, and about the Libby pardoning. The truth and only the truth will set us free.
Friday, July 06, 2007
Bring the Troops Home Now
Congress has voted time and time again to continue the occupation. The amounts of money wasted to date are nothing short of staggering. It is time to end the losses of both money and lives. To that end I urge our Senators and Congressmen to cease their support of the occupation and to vote only for those bills which contain withdrawal plans which include a definite timeline for ending the American occupation. I urge all of Congress to join the majority of Americans who today stand in opposition to the war. We deserve politicians who represent both our interests and our ideas. Continuing support of the occupation of Iraq is no longer acceptable. The time has come for real change.
Let the message ring out loud and clear. The only way to really support the troops is to bring them home alive. We have no more children to lose to this illegal and immoral occupation. Bring them home now.
Sunday, July 01, 2007
No Good News From Iraq
The American people deserve real answers to the hard questions concerning Iraq. Continuing assurances of “success” are not enough. When will there be support for those assurances? How much longer must we wait to see any progress being made. We hear on a near daily basis of increasing violence in spite of increased numbers of Americans. We need real evidence of progress based on facts or we need to withdraw from Iraq posthaste.