We, the people, are responsible. We, the people, continue to allow our troops to occupy Iraq. To that end we are each and every one responsible. We are responsible for every American and Iraqi death. How much more will we allow before we insist the course be changed?
The administration has begun to tout the decrease in violence in Baghdad as a result of the surge in troop numbers. The reduction is only in numbers of people murdered and fails to take into account the increased deaths from car bombs. The use of such twisted facts and half-truths has become an every day occurrence. We, the people, are responsible for accepting these lies as fact.
We, the people, must rise up against the continued violence incited by our presence in Iraq. We, the people, must demand truth from our government to replace the overt lies and the partial truths we get every day. We, the people, must take responsibility for our country and work to get back on course. We, the people, are in charge of our future only if we take action to return our country to its former greatness.